Monthly Magazine (1799)
Monthly Magazine, July 1799 (supplement), 536, 542.
Article on “Retrospect of Domestic Literature,” on poetry, the writer says this of Charles Lloyd: “Mr. Charles Lloyd, whose Blank Verse we noticed on a former occasion, has written a few Lines suggested by the Fast, on Feb. 27, 1799. We observe the same whining, metaphysical rant in these lines, which has disgusted us before. Mr. L. seems to be one of the many sentimentalists, who, feeling themselves animated by the rich poetry of Mr. Southey, fancy themselves endued with his genius, his taste, and his talents: this is a miserable delusion, and ought to be done away” (536).
Same article, comments on Hays: “The Victim of Prejudice is a novel in two volumes, by the author of Emma Courteney: it is a pathetic and instructive story, displaying its author’s strong natural powers, and an unrestricted freedom of thinking, which to some timid spirits may give displeasure. We confess that with us Miss Haysis a favourite author, although, in the present volumes, if we had time and room, we could point out several parts which are objectionable” (542).