21 January: … The Aikins I saw a little of – The Dr I did not offer to visit I hear his faculties are entirely gone or fast going. I concluded the evening by calls on Miss Hays (I found her recovering from a severe illness) and on Aders. It was a sort of continuation of yesterday’s visit – I heard musick – looked over engravings and enjoyed myself and at night I finished the last member of the London Magazine – a very interesting little pamphlet and highly promising for the future.
31 January: … I dined in Wardour St and in the evening took my nephew to see Aders (I called before on Miss Hays who is leaving Pentonville) Aders means to set apart Wednesday evening for seeing his friends who may bring strangers to see his pictures – but tonight he had no one with him so it was a disappointment – However, I had as always an agreeable lounge. We took tea and came early away.
11 March Sunday: This was a day of luxurious enjoyment – spent almost without interruption in the reading of the last half of Kenilworth – I merely walked to call on Miss Hays at Islington and I dined as usual at Collier’s – From my rising in the morning I was occupied about Kenilworth. This is – “If not the first, in the very first line” of the author’s works –
12 March: I lounged over books in the forenoon calling on Flanaghan and on Firth and only then determining to go to Bedford. I also called on Mrs Hays – I found her quite pleased with her new situation at a lodging house in Islington – where there are a number of persons seemingly respectable tho’ the house is a cheap one – The individuals pay only 70 guineas for board and lodging Miss H. finds herself respected and has the amusement of society….
18 May: I went down to B.R. for a short time only. I dined in Wardour St and then called on Strutt about my picture – Meeting Lamb he accompanied me to Islington – There I chatted with Miss Hays for half an hour and then came to tea, Wedd Nash and William with me and my nephew, who has been receiving his fiat to become an attorney. I concluded the Evening by a call till late on Edgar Taylor – He puts one to shame by the learned investigations into which he enters of the German language with advantages enjoyed & time spent so much less than I have laid out with so little comparative attainment.
14 June: … I dined at Collier’s – Then called at Miss Hays lounging at Islington and sat an hour with some ladies – but ordinary beings. She will soon be tired of that situation I foresee.
I then went to Baldwin’s at a Whist Club and enjoyed the Evening as much as I could with very ill luck. I encreased my acquaintance and accepted an invitation or two to the houses of others of the Club.
25 July: I was employed part of the morning about A.R.’s will – Then I went into the City – Took a dividend at Barings – took of H: Mylius an account of his purchases of stock for Aldebert’s children – took leave of Hundleby for the summer – So the morning was spent. After dining with the Colliers I called on Miss Hays – rather an unfriendly contest about her life of the Queen, which I too roughly attacked. Also a short call on Mrs Thornthwaite – a leave taking – Tea at home …
2 November: … I dined in the City and then walked to Mrs Thornthwaite’s – She is not yet come from Witham – I then called on Mrs Hays and sat an hour with her – She was glad to see me and I was pleased with her expressions about my services to her but she is not comfortable and complains not without reason of the inattentions of her relations. She is not aware how little literary talent is a recommendation to the kindness of commonplace genteel people!! I took tea at home and spent the evening usefully in reading Term Reports and writing these Mems: till late.