10 June: I walked after breakfasting with my brothers to Greenwich where I lounged for an hour with Miss Hayes in the park. Then I went to Benecke’s – a serious conversation in which however we made but little progress – My brother Thomas soon joined us – We dined with the family – Not much talk on business – the little that was said was agreeable and my brother was pleased with Mrs B: – The personale is in every respect what we could wish – The concern is by no means so certainly an advisable one and if the affair goes on, it will be with fear and trembling. My brother and I walked home slowly and I read in bed – An interesting day on account of the important negociation still going on. [The distance from Russell Square to Greenwich is 6.4 miles]
17 June: I had a call from Thomas Nash who had made enquiries concerning B’s business – he has heard nothing unfavourable to the concern. The manufactory is considered a profitable one, but there is a strong competition so that all depends on the personal qualities of the manufacturer – perhaps of Benecke’s brother, whom I hardly know. I had an agreeable walk to Greenwich walked with Miss Hayes into Westcomb Park belonging to Sir Greg: P: Turner – a delightfully secluded spot tho’ in the neighbourhood of the G: Park and in a wild state. After a lounge with Miss H: I went to the Kays with whom I spent the rest of the day – A stroll in the Park after dinner – The Ks alone – They are a friendly family and old acquaintances and perfectly respectable. I walked home late and I read the Quarterly Review at night.
18 November: After breakfast a walk down to Greenwich – found Miss Hayes in better health and spirits than she usually is – She is going to remove to her sister Mrs Hill in the neighborhood – At Beneckes afterwards – Mr B: informed me of the change in his arrangements – The present partnership is to break up. Mr Souchay is to be a partner of young B: - The elder brother retires and he himself will live in Heidelberg . . . . . . . limited. A Mr Heyne and Mr Middleditch from Bury dined there and they walked home with me late. Engaged reading a number of Goethe’ Kunst und Alterthum – a very interesting tho’ I can hardly tolerate Goethe’s love of Lord Byron.