20 February 1843

John Hays, De Crespigny Terrace,1 to Henry Crabb Robinson, [Russell Square], 20 February 1843.2

De Crespigny Terrace

Monday 20 Febry 1843 

My dear Sir

     In announcing to you the decease of my Sister Mary, who died yesterday morning very suddenly and without a struggle, having been apparently so much recoverd, as to walk about her room on Saturday ordering some garments for her summer apparel, and sleeping very calmly the whole of Saturday night, and rising in her bed yesterday morning to prepare for her breakfast and then falling back, without even a sigh, upon her pillow, became a Corpse – May my last end be like hers –

    I have to add that it was her particular request sometime since, that her Funeral, whenever it took place might be attended by her two brothers, Mr George Wedd and yourself3 if not inconvenient to you to perform that last act of friendship, of which she always express’d her gratification of its steadiness and permanency[.]

     It was also her request latterly, that she might be buried in the Cemetery at Newington,4 which of course will be complied with – May I request the favor of you, if not otherwise prevented to meet my Brother and self & Mr Wedd at my Sister’s late residence, the Misses Farrells, Clapton near Homerton, on Saturday next, not later than half past twelve oClock, or shall I send the Coach for you & where to?

     An early reply will oblige

             My dear Sir

                     Yours truly

                             John Hays

1 What is probably De Crespigny Park today, a road joining Denmark Hill Road (just after it has been Camberwell Road) and Grove Road in Denmark Hill, to the south of Southwark proper. Previously John Hays lived in a large estate in Norwood, South London and at 11 Grosvenor Place, Camberwell. Mary Hays lived in a boarding house in Clapton for the last three years of her life after having spent most of the 1830s living with her brother John.

2 Crabb Robinson Archive, DWL/HCR/5/14/13, Dr. Williams's Library, London; Brooks, Correspondence 496. 

3 Hays's four pall bearers were her two surviving brothers, Thomas and John, along with her nephew George Wedd, and Crabb Robinson.

4 Hays was buried at Abney Park Cemetery, Newington, on Saturday, 25 February 1843. Her brother John would later be buried next to her.