4 July 1792

Hugh Worthington, Highbury Place, to Mary Hays, Gainsford Street, [Wednesday], 4 July 1792.1


Dear Madam,

       Thro’ sad stupidity, I proposed in ye note on Sunday to drink tea wth you on friday next, whereas on that day by long appointment I am to be at Rickmansworth;2 do throw ye mantle of forgiveness over such blockishness, & give me a dose of Logic next time, to clarify my Brain.

     If perfectly convenient, I beg leave to wait on yr worthy Family on Friday sennight, & with great respect subscribe myself at all times

                        Yr much Indebted Servt

                                     H. Worthington

Highbury Place

Wedny, July 4th 92.

Address: Miss Hayes | Gainsford Street | Southwark

1 A. F. Wedd Collection, shelfmark 24.93(13), Dr. Williams's Library, London; Brooks, Correspondence 274.

2 A small village in southwest Hertfordshire, about twenty miles from central London.