Elizabeth Judge Hays

Elizabeth Judge [Hays] (c. 1730-1812) was the daughter of Joseph Judge (d. 1774) and Joanna Judge, of Saint Benet, Paul’s Wharf, London. She married John Hays (1729-74) on 18 March 1750. They had five children: Joanna (1754-1805), Sarah (1755-1836), Mary (1759-1843), Elizabeth (c. 1765-1825), John (1768-1862), and Thomas (1772-1856).  John Hays appears to have been a sea captain for a time, much like his friend, Capt. Thomas Hills, both of whom die in 1774. John Dunkin, Sr.'s, second wife, Mary Summerhays (1740-1806, married on 1 January 1767), recorded his death in her diary, writing in April 1774, "I have again had a loud and solemn call to prepare to meet my God,in the removal of my dear and much-valued friend, Mr John Hays, whom the Lord was pleased to remove hence in the midst of his usefulness. He was an affectionate husband, a tender parent, and a faithful friend" (see John Townsend, The Christian's Life and Hope, a Funeral Sermon for Mrs. Mary Dunkin (London: Williams and Smith, 1806), 45).  In Letter 12 of the Hays-Eccles Correspondence, Mary Hays describes her father as "the best, the most indulgent of father’s! – oh Mr Eccles, I cannot tell you half his worth – if perfection could dwell with human nature, it was in him – his soul was an emanation of the divinity – he possessed every heroic sentiment – every tender sensibility – and unbounded benevolence – a universal charity – he was pious without affec^ta^tion – the gentleman, as well as the christian – the tenderest of husbands – the most pleasing – the most faithful of friends." After his death, Mrs. Hays operated as a wine merchant out of her home in Gainsford Street, referenced in a c. 1793 letter by George Dyer as "wine vaults, Gainsford Street." John Dunkin joined his father in the cornfactoring business, and eventually took Mrs. Hays's two sons into that business as well, a business that makes both the Dunkin and Hays families financially stable. After 1794, Mrs Hays appears to live with her children, sometimes with her oldest daughter, Joanna Dunkin, and at other times with her youngest son, Thomas, for her name will disappear from the tax rolls for Gainsford Street. Most likely at the time of her death in 1812, Mrs. Hays was living with one of two daughters who lived in Islington: Elizabeth Hays Lanfear or Sarah Hays Hills.  Mrs. Hays's will was proved 28 January 1813 (PROB 11/1540/448) in which both houses in Gainsford Street were sold; she also mentions all the children. O the 7th of September, 1812, Crabb Robinson goes to Lord Spencer’s park and walks with Mary Hays and ‘the children’ of Thomas Hays, a reference to some of his many children. After the death of Mrs Hays, Mary received £800 (HCR will later help her invest this and manage her funds for her). In shorthand HCR has added this note about Hays’s finances:  ‘By her mother’s death she received about 800 pounds in addition to her property which, with 300 pounds more of the annuity of 40 pounds, constituted her whole fortune. She is by no means contented in her present state, H. being a frivolous woman, but if she were quite> independentt <will I believe [illegible deletion] them. She seems to have greatly recovered the shock she received from F’s [Frend’s] marriage.’