14 February: … I dined in chambers and then took tea with Mrs. Hayes – My old friend quite the old woman – her mind has long been stagnant – I wrote tonight a second letter to Aldebert of admonition on account of his debts and I wrote to Kitchener on Mr. Waddelow’s request to have the money due to the executors lent on his estate. There I wrote at the Athenaeum where I concluded the night.

16 February Tuesday: … I went into the City with Monkhouse whom I conducted (for he is nearly blind) to Budge Row – I left books with Mr. Hays in Riches Court, where I called on Wansey junr – There I found young Tomalin as a clerk – This I was glad to see on his poor father’s account but I wish he had not seen me – it will draw on me a call from Tomalin –…

1 May: … I remained at home all the forenoon when my party left me and then, calling by the way on the Thorntons I took tea at Mr. Hayes – My old friend Mary Hayes is become quite an old woman – She gave me for Dr Sprague three valuable autographs – Mrs. Woolstonecraft – Mrs. Mary Robinson the celebrated Perdita and Holcroft – She shewed me an interesting letter from Mrs. Shelley promising to send her all her letters to Godwin I went late to the Athen: where I took tea and chatted pleasantly with Strutt etc etc.

23 October: I locked myself in my room today and did not leave it till five – I took a gruel dinner which I find does me great good every now and then – I was not industrious – I lounged over Taylor's edition of Diversions of Purley and also over my accts I took tea with the Hays – I had not seen them for a long time – Mary H: grows old and is more and more querulous, foolishly attached to America and the Unitarian philosophy of her youth - The young people are amiable – He is a sensible man and an excellent man – …