11 July 1794
Hugh Worthington, Highbury Place, to Mary Hays, 2 Paragon Place, Surrey Road, 11 July 1794.1
Highbury Place July 11, 94
Dear Madam
We are sorry, that Engagements which hung in suspense at the time of receiving your favor prevented a more early reply.
Give me leave now to fix upon to-morrow sennight (Saturday July 19) for the intended excursion.2 The place whither, to be determined in full Congress, tho’ a sub-committee may prepare material for deliberation. I have 2 or 3 spots in my eye, but they cannot be supposed equal in all respects; yet if spared to renew such pleasant annual days, we must labor for vanity, even when the prospect is inferior.
We beg united & cordial respects to Mrs Hayes, & our friends in Gainsford Street.
I am at all times
Yr obliged & affectionte friend
H. Worthington
Address: Miss Hayes | Paragon Place | Surry Road
Postmark: 14 July 94.
1 A. F. Wedd Collection, shelfmark 24.93(19), Dr. Williams's Library, London; Brooks, Correspondence 287. Hays had already relocated to the Dunkin residence at 2 Paragon Place, along the Kent Road (what was then often called the Surrey Road) to the south of the Gainsford Street area. Mrs. Hays, Elizabeth, and Thomas Hays were still living in the Gainsford Street home.
2 As with the Disneys previously (see letters on 9 July and 18 August 1793), the Hayses appear to have socialized with several ministers to the point of taking all day excursions to various parks and other places in the environs of London.