“A Sonnet: by Miss Hays” (1785)
“A Sonnet: by Miss Hays,” The Universal Magazine 77 (1785), 329.
Ah let not Hope fallacious, airy, wild,
Illusive rays amid the tempest blend;
No more my soul with varied feeling’s rend,
Soft Sensibility – Refinement’s child.
May Apathy her wand oblivious spread,
Steep’d in Lethean waves with poppys twin’d,
And gently bending o’er my languid head
To long repose, beguile a wayward mind.
While keen Reflection throbs in every vein,
Thy aid, Oblivion, vainly I implore;
This heart shall tremble with the sense of pain,
Till Death’s cold hand a lasting peace restore.
Ah, say, can Reason’s feebler power controul
The finer movements of the feeling soul?