23 November 1798

Annabella Plumptre,1 56 Wells Street, to Mary Hays, 30 Kirby Street, Hatton Garden, 23 November 1798.2


56 Wells Street  Novr 23 1798

Dear Madam

     A lady, a friend of ours from Norwich, who is extremely desirous of seeing the Author of Emma Courtney, is to spend the day with us on Saturday. Will you do us the favor of meeting her at dinner at four oclock. We mention dinner because we know it is agreeable to you to come ^out^ by day light, not because we have any thing more to offer you in that way than our plain every day fare, but if you will partake of that with us, you will give us great pleasure. I, emphatically, ought to make an apology for our not having been yet to wait on you, but I have had so bad a cold that I have been rather fearful while it lasted of going out of an evening. With my Sister’s kind regards to you, united with mine I remain Dear Madam your very sincerely

                                         Annabella Plumptre


Address: Miss Hays | Kirby Street | Hatton Garden

Postmark: 23 November 1798, noon

Penny Post unpaid, Castle Street

1 See her sister's letter to Hays above, 28 March [1798].

2 Misc. Ms. 2194, Pforzheimer Collection, NYPL; Brooks, Correspondence 317-18.