14 November 1816
Eliza Fenwick, Barbados, to Henry Crabb Robinson, [London], 14 November [1816].1
Alass [sic] My dear Sir! I have lost my Son! In the prime of strength & health with even splendid prospects opening before him; free from vice, indefatigable in his duties & fondly loving & beloved by his family, he has been swept off by the yellow fever!
Farewell! Farewell!
E. Fenwick
Barbardos Novr14th
Address: Henry Robinson Esqr | 5 Essex Court | Temple
Postmark: not readable
1 Crabb Robinson Archive, DWL/HCR/5/5/131, Dr. Williams’s Library, London; also published in Grundy, Secresy 373. The note is attached to a copy of Fenwick’s letter to Hays on the same day, describing in agonizing detail the death of Orlando (see previous letter). Robinson wrote on the back of the note: “Mrs Fenwick pathetic note her Son’s death Memorial of a very interesting woman – (Reminiscences)"