18 August 1793

John Disney, Sloane Street, to Mary Hays, Gainsford Street, 18 August 1793.1


Sloane [Street]  Augt 18. 1793

Dear Madam,

     The chapter of accidents have been very adverse to our meeting since we closed our expedition to Richmond on the 20th of last month. It has been no intentional omission in me that I have not been in Gainsford street. The truth is that I have been three fourths of every week in the country, & have had only the remaining fourth to do the work of the whole week.

     Such has been the case of Mrs D & my daur as well as myself, and to-morrow we all set forward for Glosshire,2 meaning to pass Hounslow heath in the evening, & to slumber the night through in a stage coach. Our absence, in our collective capacity, will be nearly a month; but I shall be obliged to be in town on the Sunday the first of Septr tho’ I purpose returning the next day.

     I am, speaking [paper torn], much harassed, and am greatly fatigued to-day, but wished, not to apologize to you & your sister for not calling, because it has not been in my power, but to say we shall hope for the pleasure of seeing your house to a family dinner in Sloane Street soon after our return.

     With the joint good wishes of our circle to all your family, I am, dear Madam –

                Your affecte friend,

                                 J D.

Miss Hays

Gai[nsford St]

Address: none

Postmark: none

1 Misc. Ms. 2172, Pforzheimer Collection, NYPL; Brooks, Correspondence 283.

2 Gloucestershire