1763 September 11

Letter IV. Peter Jaco, Bradford, to George Merryweather, Yarm, 11 September 1763. 


[no salutation]


            I should have answer’d my dear Friends agreeable Favour much sooner but a variety of Calls and Exercises incident to my Station, together wth a bodily Indisposition which I have labour’d under ever since the Conference, has denied me till now the satisfaciton.

             By the account you give of the backwardness of your House, I am inclined to think that it is Church Work! ’Till Christmas or near it before ’tis finishe’d!’ You surprise me. Is it possible that the Cold should be so intense in the North of Yorkshire, as to stagnate the Blood and cause the spirits to move in their Operation in so slow a manner when the air is so impregnated with Life here, that they make nothing of building and finishing a House, and immediately pulling it down, enlarging and rebuilding it? This is in fact the Case at Dewsbury. They have taken down half of the new building, and have vastly enlarged it, tho’ still too small for the numerous Company that flock to it. I hardly ever saw such a spreading Work in such a small place – The society from 20 are increased to 94 members! 16 of which have received the Knowledge of God within a few weeks. “This is the Lords doing, and it is marvelous in our Eyes!” To Him be the Glory. Amen.

             Depend on it, I am far from having any objection against Opening your House [the Methodist Preaching House or Chapel], but whether this will be in my power I know not. I am servant to near a thousand masters, too many of whom are without Cause jealous of my partiality to some places. But ’tis probable I may (with fair words and large promises) be indulged with a Furlow for a few days. But there is one objection still. Would not your present Labourers look upon this procedure [sic] in a wrong light? As they are men of like passions with ourselves, would they not look upon this as an Infringement on their Office? I assure you, I have suffered little less than the Inquision [sic] about my opening the House at Dewsbury tho’ inducted into that Office by no less a person than our Arch B—W—y! [Bishop Wesley]  Ah George! Popularity is exceeding dangerous. The Precipice is dreadful, and if we are blest with a steady Head, there are not wanting on all occasions, those who are willing to lend us a Friendly push! However I would advise you to get the Approbation of Mr W—y and then all is well. As I am so primitive as to be a walking Apostle, I have the promise of the Lent of a Horse for this service when I shall have occasion for it.

             So your affair at H—le is quite over – I can scarcely conceive D— is so far advanced, tho’ I doubt not but my Friend has given the best intelligence he could procure. I am heartily glad you are so easy under your present Circumstances & hope you will continue so, till a way is made for you to your satisfaction.

             Wait his time, who has the best Right to dispose of you, and all shall end well. If possible procure me a few Franks. I am quite a Bankrupt. Direct your next to me at Mr Stack’s Mercht in Bradford.

             My sincere Love to my good Friends Messrs Waldey, Howard, Hicks & Wife, Mrs Watters, little Peggy &c &c &c. Accept the same yourself

                                     Dr George, yours most affectionately

                                                             While P. Jaco.


Bradford 11 Septr 1763.


Address: To Mr George Merryweather |Mercht in Yarm |(Via) Northallerton Bogg