28 February 1794

George Dyer, Carey Street, to Mary Hays, Gainsford Street, 28 February 1794.1


  G. Dyer presents respects to Mary and Elizabeth Hays – acquaints them, that he saw Joseph Priestley the other day. The doctor leaves England in a few weeks time, for ought Dyer knows in a few days.2  The doctor invites Mary and Elizabeth Hays to give him the favour of their company the first day of next week to tea. If anything happened to prevent the doctor keeping the appointment for Monday (the 3rd of March) he was to let Dyer know. As D— has not heard from him, he concludes concludes accordingly. The doctor is very busy packing up, and will be probably be engaged after the third, as he seemed particularly exact as to the day, and also seemed very desirous of havg the favour of Mary & Elizabeth Hays on that day. – Dyer, therefore should be happy if they can make it agreeable, he will do himself the pleasure of atteng them, and will also mention it to William Frend, whom he shall see to day. An evening coach returns from Hackney at 7 o’clock. D— will be with Mary & Elizabeth Hays by three. Wishes to be favoured with a line by the bearer, and presents respects to the family.

45  Carey Street.

28th 2nd Month – 94

P.S. D— thinks it not improbable, from the manner in which the doctor fixed manner ^for Monday^, that there will be a party of friends there.2


Address: Mary Hays | Gainsford Street |Southwark

1 Misc. Ms. 2164, Pforzheimer Collection, NYPL; Brooks, Correspondence 286-87; Wedd, Love Letters 226-27.

2 Dyer was not far off in his prediction. Priestley would immigrate to America in 8 April 1794, remaining there until his death a decade later.