1780 June 14

Letter IX. Peter Jaco, London, to Robert Brackenbury, Esq., at Mrs Burns, Scarborough, 14 June 1780. Methodist Archives, PLP 60.27.2 (2).


Dear Sir,

             I am sorry to inform you that your Letter of the 19th Inst came to hand just a week too late. We have no Fleet Prison! No Newgate! No Kings Bench! Nothing but the wildest Anarchy & confusion has reigned in this once well governed City for eight days together! Tongue cannot tell, nor pen describe the horrid scenes hourly exhibited. Blessed be the Father of mercies, we have at present a peaceful Interval. How long it maay continue God only knows. May we see & kiss the Rod!

             Mr Atlay says he recd your Letter & (as it is in his way) would have complied with its contents, but was then so busy in sending off the Hymn Books that he had no time ’till this fatal affair prevented him. I make no doubt but he will in future chearfully execute all your Orders.

            Wishing you every real Good

                        I remain Dr Sir

                                    your affectionate Friend

                                                 P. Jaco


Address: R: Brackenbury Esqr | at Mrs Burns | Scarbrogh