4 November 1791

Hugh Worthington, Highbury Place, to Mary Hays, Gainsford Street, 4 November 1791.1

  Highbury Place

Novr 4, 1791

Dear Madam,

       We think ourselves much obliged to you, for the valuable presents we yesterday received, & beg you will accept of our united & gratitude, & esteem. – The kind regard, wch breathes thro’ yr and yr Sisters2 letters of last week, very sensibly touches my heart, & the spirit of Enquiry you both manifest has a claim to every degree of information in my power to yield. I wish I knew more, and could argue better; we hope to drink tea with you on Wednesday next, if we hear nothing to the contrary, & then I shall put into yr hand a more full delineation of my sentiments on ye Death of Xt,3 than you seem to have collected from my public Services. May God lead us all into truth, & may every blessing in ye store of Providence long attend both my intelligent & amiable Friends. How few such of yr age or Sex!

       I am ever

                        yr truly indebted

                                     & affectionate Pastor

                                                & Friend – H. Worthington

Address: Miss Hayes | Gainsford Street | Southwark

1 A. F. Wedd Collection, shelfmark 24.93(10), Dr. Williams's Library, London; Brooks, Correspondence 267-78.

2 Elizabeth Hays.

3 "Xt" was a commonly used abbreviation used by Dissenters and others at that time for "Christ," as was "Xmas" for Christmas.