Critical Review (1806)
Critical Review, or Annals of Literature, 3rd Series, 8 (May 1806), 108.
Historical Dialogues for young Persons, Vol. I. 8vo. 4s. Johnson. 1806.
‘Most persons,’ says the writer of these dialogues, ‘have been convinced either from observation or experience, of the disinclination generally felt by young persons, more especially of the female sex, for the study of history.’
The design of the volumes now offered to the public, is, by a selection of interesting narratives, scenes, and events, from popular historical productions, to overcome this inaptitude; it has also been the author’s object to lead the mind to reflect on the facts presented, without which the knowledge of them is but of little value.
The style is clear, uniform, and not ungraceful: we need only add, that the work is not designed for children, to whose capacities the reflections generally arising out of the subjects are by no means adapted, but for youth from the age of twelve years and upwards.