29 July 1796
Eliza Gregory1 to Mary Hays, 30 Kirby Street, Hatton Garden, Friday morning, [29 July 1796].2
My dear friend
I cannot but charge the elements with unkindness, as I have twice since my return from the country set out to call upon you, & been prevented by the showers. I hope you will soon have the goodness to come & see me, as our annual recess from this noisy dirty place will soon take place. Tell me you are well, in spirits, & when I may hope to see you, as I have several visits to pay before we leave Town & should be vexed to be absent when you come. Love me & believe me Most truly yours
E. Gregory
Friday Morng
Address: Miss Hays | 30 Kirby Street | Hatton Garden
Postmark: 29 July 1796, 4 o’clock
Penny Post Unpaid
1 Eliza Gregory was the sister of the Revd Dr. George Gregory (1754-1808) (mentioned in previous letters), an editor affiliated at this time with the Analytical Review. As her later letter reveals (28 March 1801), she was a friend of Elizabeth Hamilton and moved within a wide literary circle in London.
2 MS. Misc. 2176, Pforzheimer Collection, NYPL; Brooks, Correspondence 306.