References to
Eliza and John Fenwick
in William Godwin's Diary
The William Godwin Diary contains more than 680 references to the Fenwicks between 1788 and 1823. At times references are only to John Fenwick (1757-1823), sometimes only Eliza Fenwick (1764-1840), sometimes both of them together, and sometimes John or Eliza (or both) joined by one or more of their children – Eliza, Jr. (1789-1828) and Orlando (1798-1816). Some references in Godwin’s diary are difficult to interpret as to which member or members of the Fenwick family are present, but nevertheless the high number of references to the Fenwicks reveals a level of friendship and social conviviality that has not been widely recognized, especially on the part of Eliza Fenwick. Among those who are frequently with the Fenwicks when visiting with Godwin is the playwright Thomas Holcroft and his daughter, the dissenting bookseller George Kearsley, James Marshall, Maria Reveley, Mary Robinson, Charlotte Smith, Charles and Mary Lamb, Mary Hays, Henrietta Braddock, and many others. References to Eliza Fenwick reflect the periods in which she lives in London with her husband and the times she is living elsewhere, including Ireland. She disappears from Godwin's diary after her departure for Barbados in 1814.
All references below are excerpts of entries that can be found in their complete form at William Godwin's Diary, ed. Victoria Myers, David O'Shaughnessy, and Mark Philp (Oxford: Oxford Digital Library, 2010) (, an online publication. Identifications of other individuals appearing with the Fenwicks, along with explanations of abbreviations by Godwin, can also be found on this award-winning digital resource.
1. [25 August] Dine at the White Hart with Holcroft & Fenwick.
2. [9 November] Dine at Fenwick’s with Holcroft & Mercier.
3. [28 December] Dine at Holcroft’s with Finwic[k].
4. [22 February] Dine at Holcroft’s, with Fenwick.
5. [27 June] Dine at Holcroft’s, avec son pere & Fenwick.
6. [8 August] Dine at Fenwick’s, with Holcroft. See Paradise.
7. [15 August] Dine at Holcroft, with Fenwick.
8. [22 August] Dine at Holcrofts: sup with him at Fenwick’s.
9. [26 September] Dine at Holcroft’s: sup with him at Fenwick’s.
10. [27 October] Dine at Holcroft’s, with Fenwick & Simmons.
11. [1 November] Dine at Holcroft’s, with Fenwick.
12. [3 November] Dine at Holcroft’s, with Fenwick.
13. [8 December] Dine at Holcroft’s, with Fenwick,Simmons & Bond.
14. [26 December] Dine at Holcroft’s, with Fenwick.
15. [9 January] Call on Edwards: dine at Mr Holcroft’s: sup with him & Davison, at Fenwick’s.
16. [21 January] Dine at Robinson’s, with Dr Wallis: sup at Fenwick’s, with H[olcrof]t.
17. [6 February] Dine at Holcroft’s: sup with him at Fenwick’s.
18. [27 February] Dine at Fenwick’s with Holcroft & Henderson: Cocket.
19. [8 May] Dine at Holcroft’s with Fenwick.
20. [3 July] Dine at Holcroft’s: sup with him at Fenwick’s.
21. [14 August] Dine at Holcrofts: sup with him at Fenwick’s.
22. [25 September] Dine at Holcroft’s with Fenwick: adv. Dyson.
23. [2 October] Dine at Holcroft’s, sup with him at Fenwick’s.
24. [9 October] Frederic. Dine at Holcroft’s, with Fenwick: adv. Dyson.
25. [6 November] Dyson calls. Dine at Holcroft’s: call on Fenwick. Birmingham Trials.
26. [27 November] Dine chez lui: tea at Fenwick’s: sup at Nicholson’s, talk of self interest, Paine’s bridge.
27. [4 December] Dine at Holcrofts. Call at Fenwick’s, nah.
28. [11 December] Dine at Holcroft’s. Sup with him at Fenwick’s. Metromanie, Act. 1{.} extreme cold.
29. 1 January. Dine at Holcroft’s with Fenwick, talk of government, the law, &c.
30. 2 January. Call on Barry, talk of counter revolution. Mrs Cooper dines. Sup at Fenwick’s with Holcroft, talk of the law & intellectual improvement.
31. 8 January. Dine at Holcroft’s. sup with him at Fenwick’s, talk of irresolution.
32. 3 February. Holcroft at tea ; call with him on Davis, & Fenwick nah.
33. 19 February. Dine Holcroft’s, with Crosdil, Shield, Nicholson, Perry, Gray, Gordon, Bicknel & Fenwick.
34. 8 April. Dine at Ht’s [Holcroft’s], ex his explanation with Mercier: sup with him at Fenwick’s, explanation. Andrian, 1/2 an act.
35. 22 April. Dine at Fenwick[s], talk of expenditure. Call on Nicholson, nah.
36. 27 April. Dine at Mr Henley’s, with his son & Mr Rahl. Fenwick calls, nah. Call on Robinson.
37. 28 April. See the Jealous Wife. Fenwick sups.
38. 29 April. Call on Fenwick, with Dyson, talk to the latter of Greek. Dine with Dorothy. Sup at Nicholson, revisal de mon ouvrage. B. Hollis calls, nah.
39. 8 May. Call on Dorset: Meet Fenwick. Gulliver, 7 pages. Revise the Father of a Family.
40. 30 May. . . sup at Nicholson’s, talk of government, contract, associations & instinct. Call at Fenwick’s.
41. 7 July. Call on Fenwick, with Holcroft. See Nicholson.
42. 5 August. Tea at Watts’s, with Holcroft & Dowse, talk of politics & vice. Fenwick sups. Guilford dies.
43. 6 August. Holcroft & Fenwick at tea. Henry 5, act 2. C’s first appearance, at Newcastle, Smith in the Road to Ruin.
44. 17 August. Dine at Holcroft’s: writes to C: Fenwick at tea.
45. 3 September.. Jardine calls, lend him Ms. proofs. Fenwick sups, talk of his affairs.
46. 4 October. Holcroft & Fenwick at tea: Jardine, d o. Weather, east wind.
47. 2 December. Write 5 pages. John Godwin calls. Dine at Holcroft’s, with Fenwick. Stuart au soir, talk of necessity.
48. 3 December. Write 8 pages. Fenwick calls: Masters dines, talk of pain. Call on Nicholson.
49. 15 December. Call on Robinson. Write 1/2 page. Dyson dines. Tea at Jardine’s, with Fenwick, Holcroft & Nicholson, talk of punishmt, division of labour & cooperation.
50. 6 January. traction & ideas ; Kearsley. Masters sleeps; advise him on pursuits & baptism. Fenwick calls, nah.
51. 9 January. après. Read cursorily Chatham, V. III, 70 pages; & Benev. Quixote, 150. Fenwick tea & supper.
52. 15 January. Fever. Pol. Justice, 19 pages. Fenwick matin. Sup at Holcroft’s. Louis guilty, 693 to 26: Appeal 280 to 424
53. 16 January. Write Mucius, Letter 1. Pol. Justice, 69 pages. Jardine calls: Fenwick calls.
54. 23 January. Pol. Justice, 38 pages. Jardine & Fenwick at tea.
55. 2 February. Call on Robinson. Tea Jardine’s, w. Fenwick: Fenwick sups. Embarras du Choix, actes 3 & 4.
56. 3 February. Su. Dine at Holcroft’s: adv. Jardine, Fenwick & Mercier. Virgil, 152, end of B. IV.
57. 4 February. Call on Robinson, Nicholson & Holcroft. Jardine, Fenwick,Symonds & Pearson at tea: Fenwick sups.
58. 17 October. Dine at Holcroft’s, with Jennings’s, Sinclair & mrs Reveley, talk of law: Fenwick sups
59. 26 October. Juvenal, VI, 164: Marguerite d’Anjou, p. 68. Call on Inchbald, talk of Capet: Fenwick at tea, talk of obligations.
60. 6 November. W. Juvenal, IV, 243: Marguerite, p. 188. Ritson calls: dine at Marshal’s: Fenwick at supper. see H.’s father.
61. 22 November. Call on Kearsley, talk of the morality of talents, & of necessity: Dyson at tea; adv. Fenwick. Thelwal calls, nah.
62. 5 December. call on Ritson, talk of revolutions, savages & animals. Dyson, Dibbin, Kearsley & Fenwick at tea:
63. 7 December. Walk to Woolwich, with Fenwicks; visit Muir & Palmer. Sup at miss Godwin’s.
64. 17 December. Dine at Woolwich, w. Muir, Reid, Logan, Campbel, Bishop & Fenwicks; talk of religion & subsistence ; adv. F Vaughan, Gurney, Rutt
65. 28 December. Johnson, p. 380: Col. Jack, p. 399, fin. Dyson & Kearsley call: Fenwick at tea.
66. 1 January. Gerald, p. 124, fin.: Cecilia, p. 292; Vol. V, p. 35. Kearsley at tea, talk of genius & virtue ; adv. Fenwick.
67. 6 January. Revise. Johnson, p. 366. Fenwick calls.
68. 9 January. Revise. Advice to an Author, p. 39: Cecilia, p. 149. Dyson at tea: adv. Fenwick & Marshal.
69. 23 January. Write to Gerald. Savage, p. 65. Fenwick sups calls: sup at Reveley’s, a conference.
70. 27 January. Revise. Inchbald’s Romance, ms. Dibbin & Fenwick call.
71. 30 January. Inchbald’s Romance, fin. Kearsley & Dyson call: Fenwicks at tea.
72. 1 February. Revise, init. Vol. II. Fenwicks call: call on Inchbald, nah: tea at Johnsons, w. Courtenays & Blairs, talk of Brissot, Mirabeau & jurisprudence.
73. 6 May. Write 4 pages. Timon, acts 1, 2, 3. Call on Davis, Fenwick & Gerald. Philomaths, theatres.
74. 13 May. Williams, Vol. II. Exhibition, w. Dyson: tea Fenwick’s: Philomaths, prostitutes v. parsons. Dumourier, 50 pp.
75. 6 June. Write one page: note from Jno Robinson. Ritson, Webb, Nichols, Dennis & mrs Fenwick call. Hooke, p. 256: Persanes, p. 268: Mallet du Pan (1794), pp. 80.
76. 7 June. Persanes, p. 319: Hume on Populousness, p. 32. Barry & Kearsley call: call on Fenwick.
77. 20 June. Call on Robinson, Fenwick,Dennis, Spilsbury, mrs Cooper & Ritson. Burke, p. 244: Knights’s Landscape, Book 1 & 2.
78. 21 June. Call on Dorset, Barry & mrs Webb nah: sup at Reveley’s: tea Fenwick’s, w. miss Braddock. Burke, p. 261.
79. 17 July. Rambler, N o 18. Ritson calls, talk of Botany Bay: sup at Fenwick’s, talk of perfectibility.
80. 27 July. Smith & J G breakfast: T Fenwick,Webb & Ferguson call: call on Jennings nah & Inchbald. Write 2 pages. Virgil, vs. 817: Smith, p. 355.
81. 1 August. F. Virgil, vs. 458. Ca ll on Lister nah, & Ritson: Sup at Fenwick’s.
82. 4 August. M. Virgil, vs. 735. Write for Reveley. Marshal dines: mrs Fenwick at tea: sup at Jennings’s, w. Reveleys, Aris’s, miss Ramsay, Whitehead & Macnamara.
83. 14 August. Th. Call on Robinson, Lister & Holcroft: M. dines; adv. mrs C.: sup at Fenwick’s.
84. 4 September. Virgil, 705: Dumourier, pref., pp. 32. Dyson dines; talk of manual labour & desire: sup at Fenwick’s.
85. 27 September. Virgil, IX, 212: Voltaire, p. 182. Ritson & Porson call: call on Gerald: sup at Fenwick’s.
86. 16 October. Call on Ritson ; & Robinson, nah: dine at Hubbard’s ; adv. M.: Newgate ; Nicholson & Lovel: sup at Fenwick’s.
87. 4 December. Read H’s Defence, pp. 92: Dine at Fenwick’s: sup at H’s ; adv. M rs Jardine.
88. 13 December. Call on Robinson, Gerald, Fenwick nah, & C Moore nah: Taylor & Sinclair call: Dyson at tea, talk of rules of conduct.
89. 15 December. Old Bailey ; Richter & Baxter discharged ; see J Gurney, junr: call on J Taylor, Fenwick,Ritson & Barbauld: dine at Hazlits, w. Holcrofts, Thelwals, Williams’s, Foulkes’s & Hunter, T. Cooper, mrs Read.
90. 6 January. Revise. Read Fawcet’s War. Philomaths, no-d.: sup at Fenwicks.
91. 13 January. Revise: write 1 page. Dyson at tea, talk of the universe: call at Fenwick’s: Philomaths, love.
92. 16 January. Write M’s Preface. H t calls: Dyson at tea: call at Fenwick’s, nah.
93. 30 January. Call on Robinson, Fenwick,Gerald, Holcroft & Reveley (adv. mrs Jennings ): dine at King’s, w. Falkland & Johnson clerk of arr. ; adv. Thelwal & Davis. ( Erskine’s.)
94. 3 February. Ht, P. J., dr Moore, nah, Mackintosh, mrs Jardine: dine at Foulkes’s, w. Paterson ; adv. H[ocrof]t: sup at Fenwick’s; adv. Kennedy. Philomaths, animals. Parsons dies
95. 11 February. W. Call on Robinson, Fenwick,Taylor {;} adv. I. Reed, Ritson, King nah, & Gerald w. mrs Reveley: dine at Jennings’s: call on Mackintosh. Bosville nah.
96. 12 February. M & C. call: after n Gerald’s ; adv. Bailey, Guy, M’Cummin, Williams, &c: sup at Fenwick’s. Lauderdale, p. 180.
97. 23 February. M. Dyson & Moore call: call on Mackintosh ; adv. G Moore ; & mrs Reveley nah: call on Dennis: sup at Fenwick’s. Belsham, p. 224.
98. 10 March. Wordsworth breakfasts: call on Fenwick. Philomaths: soldier v. priest.
99. 13 March. Revise. Life of Geo. Gordon, pp. 137. Call on miss Alderson nah, Inchbald & mrs Jardine: sup at Fenwick’s.
100. 14 March. Revise. M & Dyson call: call dine at Thelwal’s: sup w. him at Fenwick’s. Fourth Letter to Paine. Snow.
101. 20 March. Revise. Virgil, 915: Henry, p. 200. Call on Gerald ; adv. Fenwick.
102. 23 March. M. Revise. Virgil, 324. M breakfasts: Fenwick,Hollis & mrs J. call: dine at Reveley’s: Nitsch’s Lecture.
103. 25 March. W. Revise. Henry, p. 143. Wordsworth, M & Fawcet call: call on Ritson: Fenwicks & miss H. Braddock dine. Virgil, 508.
104. 29 March. on Bosville ; adv. Robinson, mrs Beaumont & lord Dudley ; & on Mackintosh: dine at Hts, w. Fenwicks; adv. C & Kn t. adv. Plowden.
105. 3 April. Henry, p. 248. Call on Porson nah & Davis. Dyson & J G at tea: call on Fenwick nah.
106. 8 April. Virgil, 952. Call on M, King, Gerald ( adv. Lister & Binney), Fenwick,Newton nah & Barry: dine at H ts ; adv. Hazlits: sup at J Hollis’s.
107. 20 April. M. M breakfasts: Fenwick calls. Secrecy, V. I & II.
108. 2 May. Write 2 pages. Hermippus, p. 48. Call on Ritson. Play; Deserted Daughter & Irish Mimic: sup at Hts, w. Fenwick. see Robinson, Peary & Gray. Gerald for Portsmouth.
109. 10 May. Smith breakfasts: C & Fenwick call: call on Mackintosh ( adv. de Gr[ ] ), Alderson, Jennings nah & D r Moore: dine at Hts ; adv. A Alderson, mrs Batty, Dyer, Ritson, Pinard & H. . .
110. 31 May. Smith breakfasts: M Moore & Fenwk [Fenwick] call: . . .
111. 2 June. call w. him on Inchbald: call on Perry: dine at Reveley’s ; adv. Jones. Dealtry, Fenwick & Anderson call, nah.
112. 4 June. Write 1 page. Virgil, 566, fin: Planetes, p. 62. Tea Anderson’s, w. Fenwicks; talk of reason & passion. Thunder.
113. 13 June. Call on Robinson, Fenwick,C Moore nah & Taylor: dine at Fawcet’s.
114. 17 June. Call on Ritson, Dyer & Foulkes: tea Anderson’s, w. Fenwick,talk of conviction.
115. 21 June. Write 1 page. Smith & Fenwick breakfast: Dyson calls: call on Mackintosh & Jennings, nah, & on mrs Jardine: dine at Hts, w. E R: tea Johnson’s, w. Johnstone’s: sup at F’s, w. Watley j[ r ?].
116. 11 July. Dumouriez on France, p. 60. Allen & Fenwicks call: call on mrs Williams & Hts: M dines. M R
117. 19 July. Virgil, 514: Moore, p. 369. J G & Fenwick call: meet Perry & Moore ; talk of H M W: call on Perry nah: sup at Hts, w. H Richter.
118. 8 July. Princesse de Babylone, p. 69: Call on Robinson, Fenwick,Lister, Gray & Inchbald: m es Ht & Richter call: sup at Foulkes’s, w. Watley j r, & Cooke.
119. 14 August. Revise. Hume: Dumouriez, p. 200. Call on Fenwick: sup w. him at miss G’s.
120. 14 September. Revise, P M.: Primitive Wife: Louvet, p. 260: Letter to P. of W, pp. 82. Call on Inchbald & Hts: Fenwick calls.
121. 14 September. Revise: Prim Wife, acts 1, 2, 3. Call on Fenwick: Philomaths, means of reform
122. 19 September. Revise. C e Roland, p. 62. Fenwick calls: tea miss Mansel’s: Play, Isabella & the Prize, w. C. Meet Lawrence.
123. 24 September. Write 4 pages. Fenwick dines.
124. 28 September. Revise. Much Ado, act 3. Call on Davis: sup at mrs Johnston’s, w. miss G ; Young & Campbel: meet Fenwick.
125. 29 September. Revise. Fenwick calls: dine at Foulkes’s, w. Harveys, Barnard & miss Virgil, Hutchinson
126. 5 October. Revise. Love’s Labour Lost. Fenwick calls.
127. 17 October. Call on Robinson na, Taylor & Ritson: Johnson & Knight call: Dyson at tea, adv. Fenwick. P. J., p. 367.
128. 20 October. Sit // to Lawrence, talk of Cassius: call on Inchbald & Cooper: Fenwick & E Cooper dine: Play, Dependent, w. Inchbald & Marlow ; adv. Ht, & Taylor, &. . .
129. 21 October. W. P. J., p. 160. Otton & Fenwick call: dine at King’s, w. Gadagne’s, H Moore, Merry & Macdonald ; adv. Butler & dog.
130. 29 October. Revise. Garat, p. 174. Fenwick calls: tea Barbauld’s w. Belsham, Carr, Shiel, Notcut & Aikin j r ; talk of self-delusion & gen principles: call on. . .
131. 9 November. Revise. Smith breakfasts: M, Dyson & Fenwick call: call on Ritson, & Lawrence, w. C, nah: meet J Hollis: dine at King’s, w. Robinson, Este, Williamson & M’donald ; adv. Davis, Housselaer & Fenw. sup at N. . .
132. 10 November. Hume’s Eliz, pp. 20: Moore, p. 490. Montagu, Wrangham, Fenwick,Otton & M call: tea miss Hayes’s, w. Hills, &c: Philomaths, free will.
133. 26 November. Revise. Fenwick,Bankes, Barker & Jn G call: dine at King’s, w. Wolcot ; adv. Davis. Publication of 8 vo P. J.
134. 28 November. Revise. Letter from Thelwal. Call on Fenwick & Montagu: Fenwick & M. sup. Age of Reason, p. 107, fin.
135. 29 November. call: dine at Bankes’s, w. Porson, & Jo Raine ; talk of Yorke’s sentence ; adv. Fenwick.
136. 30 November. finish C W. Play, Macbeth: sup at miss Jones’s, w. C, M, miss G, Breach’s & miss Davis. see Fenwick,King, Perry & Merrys. T Wedgwood & bro call.
137. 5 December. Hume, p. 353. Reveley calls: Dyson at tea, adv. Fenwicks; talk of war, robbery & ignorance.
138. 9 December. Hume, Vol. II, p. 40. Fenwick,Dyson, White, Cooper, Powel & Russel call; call on Ht: dine at King’s, w. d’Espard & A B ; adv. Este.
139. 12 December. C. W., p. 285; Vol. III, p. 94. St Paul’s: call on Davis, Johnson nah & Carr nah: Fenwic[k] sups: meet Kyd.
140. 15 December. Call on Opie, talk of sincerity & painters, M A &c: Dyson, M & F [Fenwick] at tea . . .
141. 22 December. Mackintosh, p. 252: Cymbeline, act 1. Fenwick calls: & Dyson at tea: Philomths, statesmen ; explanation w. Thelwal.
142. 23 December. W. Hume, Vol. III, p. 36: Mackintosh, p. 332. Fenwick & White call: dine at Reveley ‘s: sup at Carr’s.
143. 29 December. Hume, p. 78: Mackintosh, p. 380, fin: Calonne, p. 24: Inchbald, p. 231. Philomaths, Fenwick at tea: Philomaths, statesmen & supper.
144. 5 January. J G calls: Fenwick at tea: Philomaths, drama.
145. 6 January. Dine at King’s, w Fenwick & A B.
146. 18 January. Fenwick calls: sup at miss G’s.
147. 19 January. Call on Fenwick: Philomaths, drama. miss M G calls.
148. 27 January. Fenwick & C call: dine at King’s, w. A B, Merry, Este & Macdonnel: meet Newton & Barnes.
149. 1 February. Write to mrs Sothren & a ma mère: J & Harr G, & M call: Fenwick & C dine: call on Montagu n, Carr & miss Hayes.
150. 6 February. Matthews & Fenwick call: dine at Lauderdale’s. Award, K. v. P., affirmed.
151. 13 February. Call on Wolstencraft, nah: meet mrs Christie: Fenwick cal dines; adv. Otton: tea miss Mansel’s ; adv. Reynolds, C & Merry: theatre, 1/2 Isabella.
152. 27 March. Smith breakfasts: M, Lister, Fenwick & Jno G call: dine at Kentish’s, w. Foot & Ht: call on Foulkes. Snow, 2 days.
153. 29 Tuesday. Revise. Thelwal, p. 116, fin. Call on miss Hayes: meet Fenwick: tea Ht’s, w. Salomon, B Rancksen, Peltier, Davy, Batty & A A.
154. 2 April. Call on Inchbald ( adv Barry ), & Burdet n: Debrett’s, Bosville, Tierney & Grey: Fenwick dines: Theatre, Vortigern; see Ht, Inchbald, A A, Barry, Perry, Kentish & Stoddart: meet R J. . .
155. 8 May. Jno G, J Hollis & Fenwick call ; Smith bs: dine at Ht’s, w. E Mercier: sup at Foulkes’s, w. Hts, Hutchinson & Watley.
156. 10 May. Weld, Mac, Perry, P Stuart, Fenwick,Marsh ; R Adair, Tierney & O Brien.
157. 26 May. Bryan’s Galley, w Ht: dine at Younger’s, w. Fenwick & Sm: Theatre, Prize.
158. 29 May. Fenwick & Smith breakfast: walk w. them to Hedge Grove: dine at Edgware: sleep at Fawcet’s ; adv. Smith farmer.
159. 7 June. Write 1 1/2 pages. Virgil, Geo. II, 258: Mounier, p. 8. Call on Fenwick dines: Wodsworth & Pinney call: sup, w. W., at Montagu’s.
160. 22 June. Call on Robinson, King, Porson, Stoddart, Davis & Wt: dine at Ms: sup at the Coal-hole, w. Smith, Younger, Fenwick,M[ l ?] & Kennedy.
161. 23 June. Fenwick dines: call on Hayes.
162. 26 June. Dine at Ht’s, w. Merry & Dermody: T Fenwick & Jno G call.
163. 4 August. Call on Opie: Twiss & A A call: Fenwick at tea: sup, w. him at miss G’s: overtake Opie & A A: meet Shield.
164. 10 August. W. Essays, 2 1/2 pages. Juvenal, Sat. I: D’Orleans, p. 236. Fenwick calls: dine at Reveley’s: call on Wt, n.
165. 17 August. W. D’Orleans, p. 40. J G breakfasts: Jamieson & Fenwick call: call on Inchbald n, M Robinson n & Twiss n: Hayes at Wt’s: meet Tierney, mrs Lunan, Weld & Wh e
166. 23 August. Tu. Essays, p. 54/2. Juvenal, Sat. XV, XVI. Walk w. Fenwicks; meet C Moore, Foulkes & Twiss: F dines. chez elle.
167. 31 August. W. 66-69/2, Essays. Terence, acts 2/2, 3, 4/2. Fenwick calls. Cousin, p. 222. chez moi,--
168. 10 September. Essays, p. 94/2, 95, 96. Terence, act 3, 4/2. D’Orleans, p. 392; Vol. III, p. 36. J G breakfasts: Barnes & Cooper call: Fenwick at tea. chez elle,--.
169. 24 September. Essays, p. 113/2. Terence, Eunuchus, acts 1 & 2: D’Orleans, p. 220: Monk, p. 114. Fenwick & Otton call: call on Stoddart: Theatre, Isa; adv. Este. chez moi,--.
170. 1 October. Essays, p. 115/2. Terence, Heaut, act 5: Genlis, p. 216. Fenwick calls. chez elle, dine. Ja s Fordyce dies.
171. 22 October. Sa. Boswel, p. 516: Ecole des Maris, act 2: Douglas. M & Fenwick call: dine.
172. 24 October. M. Boswel, p. 227: Love for Love, acts 1 & 2. Fenwick & M call: Carlisle’s Lecture; Shee & Meux. chez moi.
173. 10 November. Th. Essays, p. 141. A A, acts 4 & 5: Avare, act 1. Fenwick calls: meet Carr: Stoddart at tea: call on Montagu, Tobin n, & Twiss n.
174. 6 December. Essays, p. 174, 175. Fenwick,Dyson & Hollis call: theatre, w. Inchbald ; Force of Ridicule: sup at Ht’s.
175. 14 December. O’Brien, Perry {,} Gordon, Hay, Moir, G Moore, Wilson, Ritson, Fenwic[k] & Taylor Lancastrian. Marchmont, p. 309.
176. 31 January. . . . Call on Davis: meet Fenwk [Fenwick]: dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli & Geddes; adv Gregory & Stephens. . . .
177. 5 February. . . . & J G call: dine at Hts, w. Parry ; adv. Thelwal, mrs Fenwick & miss Saunders: chez elle.
178. 9 February. Call on Ht, Davis, Montagu & mrs Fenwick: Marriage a-la- mode, w. Wt ; adv. H[olcrof]t & Fenwick: Dibbin & Dyson at tea: theatre, Friend in Need; Parry.
179. 20 February . . . dine at Ht’s: call on Montagu n, & Fenwicks; chez ell, E.
180. 26 February . . . dine at Ht’s, w. Rose, Allen, St, Fenwicks, miss Saunders & Cole ; adv. Ritson: sup at mss G’s, w. M, E C & E Mansel.
181. 2 March . . . Fenwick & Otton call: call on Robinson: M dines: Dyson & Dibbin at tea: chez elle: meet Jameson. Earl of Orford dies.
182. 4 March . . . Fenwick calls: call on Ritson, & Davis ( adv. Taylors ): Theatre, Wives as They Were, & Wicklow; adv. Wt, E, Lawrence, Robinson, Gregory, Chalmers, Parry & Ht.
183. 6 March . . . Fawcet calls: call on Fenwick: theatre, 3/10 Wives, &c: sup at Nicholson’s, talk of bank.
184. 10 March . . . Call on Fenwick, & Mansel; adv. C Kemble: M dines: tea R Johnson’s; talk of bank.
185. 18 March . . . H[olcrof]t, J Hollis & Fenwick call: call on Banks n: Debrett’s ; Barry, Maxwel, Godfrey, Hanger & R Adair: Kearsley at tea: theatre, Lodoiska, w. Kearsley.
186. 21 March . . . Call on Carlisle, Burdet, ( adv. Maxw[ ] {,} Webb n, B Hollis n, Inchbald ( Barry ) & mrs Fenwick: meet Frend: tea M Hays’s: theatre, Raymond & Agnes.
187. 24 March . . . Fawcet dines ; Fenwicks at tea; adv. Wt. & Stoddart.
188. 27 March . . . Call on Dr Parson, & Inchbald; adv. Taylor: M dines; adv. Fenwick & Stoddart: chez elle;--.
189. 28 March . . . call on A A: M dines: tea Fenwick’s, w. Wt, Tucker, Del Vallé & Saunders. Leroux calls.
190. 8 April. Dine at Robinson’s, w. Inchbald & Chalmers: call on Johnson, altercation: tea miss G’s: Fenwick calls: meet Fenwicks.
191. 10 April . . . Dyson calls: call on Fenwick: sup at A A’s, w. Ht & Wt; adv. Cole.
192. 12 April . . . Call on A A n, & Fenwick: dine at Ht’s, w. Wt, A A, Montagu & Tuthil; adv. Banks, Tobin & Cole: meet Burrel.
193. 15 April . . . Call on Inchbald: Fenwick calls.
194. 16 April . . . Wt, L J & Cary ; adv. Dyson: sup at Jn’s, w. Wt & Newman. Fenwick’s Farce.
195. 17 April . . . Dyson calls: call on Mansel ; adv. C Moore: meet Butler vdm: mrs Fenwick & F Ht dine; adv. mrs Reveley & Fenwick.
196. 18 April . . . Montagu & Fenwick call: dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli & Newnham ; adv. Stephens.
197. 19 April . . . Write to Wedgwood. Dine at Reveley’s: Theatre, the Will; Wt, Inchbald, Reveley, A A, Fenwicks, Saunders, Hamilton, Philips, Leeds & C Moore.
198. 20 April . . . Montagu calls: call on Dyson & Fenwicks: M dines: sup at Opie’s, w. Wt & Wolcot.
199. 22 April . . . Fenwicks, M, L J, miss G & Kearsley at tea. Hollis & Hinckley call.
200. 24 April . . . Call on Fuseli & Opie, w. A A: tea miss Tucker’s, w. Del Vallé, Seguieras, Fenwicks, Wt & mrs Brandon.
201. 27 April . . . Fell & Fenwick call: call on Ht, & mrs Robinson n: Dyson & Dibbin at tea. Tom Jones, p. 251.
202. 28 April . . . Call on M Reveley, w. Wt, & on Ht: Southey & Fenwick call.
203. 8 May . . . Weld, Adair, Hastings, Barry, Parry, M Moore: theatre; 1/2 Wives: Fenwick calls.
204. 26 May . . . Montagu, Wrangham & Fenwick call: call on Davis: theatre; Man of the World; Este & J Williams: Opie sups: meet Nicholsons.
205. 2 June . . . Geddes, Disney, White, Stephens, Jennings & 4: Debrett’s ; Knight, Burdet, Fergusson, Adair, Barry, Parry, Perry & Ht: Fenwick & Pinkerton sup.
206. 20 June . . . Breakfast on Epping Forest: Polygon ; Fenwick calls: A Pinkerton at tea.
207. 21 June . . . Call on Parry n & Fenwick: Dyson calls: dine at Ht’s, w. Horne Tooke, Wolcot, Barry, Nicholsons, Harwoods, Tuthil & Wt ; adv. Tobin & Banks sc.
208. 26 June . . . Call on Robinson n, Fenwick & A Pinkerton: Dyson at tea: meet Hinkley.
209. 6 July . . . Montagu dines: meet F Vdaughan: call on Tobin, Fenwick & A Pinkerton.
210. 9 July . . . Kearsley calls [:?] call on Ritson: Fenwick’s dine; adv. Johnson: meet J Richter: Addington calls.
211. 16 July . . . J G calls: miss G, M, A P & Cha Willis dine; adv. mrs Fenwick & Braddock: Addington calls.
212. 17 July . . . Call on E Fenwick (Elise): Pidcock’s, Exeter Change.
213. 29 July . . . A P calls: sup at M Reveley’s, w. Fenwicks & Wt.
214. 31 July . . . Fenwick calls, ux: Sadler’s Wells ; Askins, & Sadak & Kalasrade, w. Wt, &c.
215. 7 August . . . Call on A P. Fenwicks & E Braddock at tea. Rhadamiste, act 1.
216. 16 August . . . Call on M Hays: M dines ; adv. M Reveley: E Fenwick calls.
217. 26 August . . . Gould & Barnes call s: dine at Robinson’s, w. Chalmers ; adv. Gregory: call on Nicholson: Fenwicks & M sup.
218. 30 August . . . Barnes R Fell & Dyson call s: dine at Reveley’s: Fenwicks & M. sup: Blenkinsop. Birth of Mary, 20 minutes after 11 at night. From 7 to 10, Evesham Buildings.
219. 4 September . . . Blenkinsop: puppies. Johnson & Nicholsons call: Masters calls. E Fenwick & M sleep s. M Hays calls. Pichegru arrested.
220. 13 September . . . H[olcrof]t n, Opie n & Dyson n call: mrs V removes: Fenwicks sup from Fordyce: write to Inchbald, Tuthil & Parr.
221. 14 September . . . Write to mrs Cotton. Barbauld on Devotion, p. 22. Fenwicks & P V sup.
222. 15 September . . . Funeral: M’s lodgings. Write to Carlisle. Purley, p. 50. Fawcet dines; adv. Fenwicks.
223. 16 September . . . Call on M Reveley, w. Fenwick: Fawcet dines: Fanny at home: Ht calls.
224. 17 September . . . Holcroft calls: call on M Reveley, w. F E Fenwick: miss G, mrs V & M dine: Mary at home: E Fenwick sleeps.
225. 18 September . . . Barnes n, Nicholsons & M Reveley call: mrs V & M at tea: E F [Eliza Fenwick, Jr.] sleeps.
226. 20 September . . . Remove from Evesham Buildings. Ht calls: Fenwick,Dyson & M dine.
227. 22 September . . . Ht at tea. M calls: E F dines ; adv. Johnson, Ht, P V & Fenwick.
228. 23 Septembe . . . Wt’s Letters. Ht calls: write to Add n. E F [Eliza Fenwick] dines; adv. M, F, P V, Ht & Johnson.
229. 25 September . . . Davison calls: M dines ; adv. Fenwicks.
230. 26 September . . . Davison, Ht, Tuthil & Fenwick call: E Fenwick & P V at tea.
231. 27 September . . . F [Fenwick] & M call: call on M Reveley, adv. Barry; sup.
232. 29 September . . . Ht & P V call: Fenwicks dine: Kearsley at tea: Barbauld calls.
233. 2 October . . . Barnes & Fenwick call.
234. 4 October . . . Fenwicks, P V & Ht call: dine at Ht’s, w. M Reveley & Tuthil ; adv. A P.
235. 5 October . . . Fenwicks dine.
236. 6 October . . . F. Letters. Carlisle & Sloper call: Margaret Jones dines: Fenwicks sup.
237. 7 October . . . Fenwick calls: M dines.
238. 8 October . . . M, H, Ritson & Fenwick call: miss G and M J dine: adv. Dyson & M Reveley.
239. 10 October . . . Letters. Call on Robinson: M dines: adv. Fenwicks.
240. 12 October . . . Dyson at tea; adv. Fenwicks.
241. 15 October . . . Call on Nicholson: miss G, M J & M dine; adv. Fenwicks & Dyson.
242. 16 October . . . Walk to Southgate s, w. Fenwick: dine at G Morgan’s.
243. 20 October . . . Call on Robinson & Johnson: M & Fenwicks dine: Barnes calls.
244. 23 October . . . E Fenwick. Fenwick calls: theatre; Douglas, Johnston & mrs C ; adv. Sherwin & King.
245. 24 October . . . E Fenwick. M Moore, Lea & Davison call: dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli, Johnsons & Stephens ; adv. Edwards.
246. 25 October . . . E Fenwick. Dine at Reveley’s, w. Underwood & Lowrys jun rs.
247. 26 October . . . Call on Fenwicks; adv. M Hays & E Braddock: Stirley calls.
248. 28 October . . . J Hollis, Fenwick,M, Tobin & Nicholson’s call: theatre; Way of the World.
249. 29 October . . . I’s Letters. Fenwick & J J G call: M & M J dine; adv. H G, Lea & Dyson.
250. 31 October . . . Call on Opie, Wolcot ; adv. Shield ; Heath n, & Fenwicks.
251. 1 November . . . Hays calls: call on Heath: Fenwicks dine: Opie sups.
252. 19 November . . . dine at Ht’s, w. M Reveley & E P Cooper: sup at M’s, w. miss G, M J, L J, Dyson, Fenwicks & Braddock ; adv. Addington. snow
253. 21 November . . . Call on mrs Fenwick: Fawcet dines: theatre; Miser: Barnes calls.
254. 22 November . . . Dine at Reveley’s: Fenwicks sup.
255. 20 December . . . Fenwick calls: dine at Reveley’s, w. Underwood ; adv. Baker & Hammond: call on Heath: Mary ill.
256. 21 December . . . Fenwicks dine; adv. E Braddock.
257. 27 December . . . Ht, Fenwicks & M R call: M dines: theatre, 1/2 Jane Shore; adv. Matthews.
258. 29 December . . . Fawcets dine; adv. Fenwick: sup at miss G’s, w. Jones’s, Dyson, Dibbin & M.
259. 30 December . . . Carlisle calls: call on Chandler: Fenwicks & M dine.
260. 31 December . . . Carlisle, Dr Combe, Ht, Dyson, Fenwicks & M R call: M J dines: Wet-nurse.
261. 2 January . . . Miss Cooper, mrs Cole, F Ht & F [Fenwick] call: dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli & Wilkinson. Carlisle & Combe.
262. 7 January . . . Cha Smith calls: dine at Ht’s, w. Coles, Fenwicks, Braddocks, Kingslake, & M R, & Tobin: Combe.
263. 8 January . . . R Fell & Carlisle call: dine at Fenwks [Fenwicks], w. Braddocks; adv. M R & Dyson & Reveleys.
264. 11 January . . . Dine at Fenwick’s, w. Fawcets, Braddocks & M R; adv. Tucker: theatre, Secrets worth Knowing; adv. M.
265. 17 January . . . W. Dyson calls, talk of property: Fenwicks sup.
266. 30 January . . . Call on Chandler: Fenwks [Fenwicks] & M dine; adv. R Fell. . . .
267. 7 February . . . Call on Fenwick, at Devlin’s; adv. Ht, Younger & Leeson: call on Foulkes, w. Ht & E F [Eliza Fenwick]: Dyson sups.
268. 8 February . . . Fawcet d & M R dine: call on Fenwick & Hays: sup at miss G’s, w. L Jones.
269. 9 February . . . Fenwick calls: M dines: theatre, As You Like It; adv. Burdet, O’Connor, Fergusson & lady Oxford.
270. 11 February . . . Fawcet calls: M & miss G dine; adv. Fenwick.
271. 16 February . . . call on Dealtry n: dine at Chandler’s, . . . call on F Vaughan & Fk [Fenwick]. M sups.
272. 20 February . . . T Wedgwood calls: Northcote, Dyson & Fenwicks dine; adv. miss G.
273. 23 February . . . Carlisle, Goddard & Harris call: sit to Chandler: Chandler & Fenwicks dine.
274. 2 March . . . Dealtry, M & Ht G, & Fenwick call: M sups.
275. 15 March . . . Th. Call on Carlisle, Ht, Fenwick, Montagu n, & Chandler (sit): M. at tea.
276. 27 March . . . Meet J Taylor: sit to Chandler {;} adv. mrs Halk[or?] & miss Valpy. M & Fenwick dine: sup at Nicholson’s.
277. 28 March . . . Fenwick & M R call: call on Montagu n: theatre, 1/2 Oratorio; adv. T Knight.
278. 2 April . . . Call on Carlisle, Lawrence n, Ht, Fenwick, Wordsworth atty, Montagu n, Perry, Opie & A A: Dibbin at tea: meet Dr Moore.
279. 5 April . . . . Call on mrs Christie n & Fenwick: tea Opie’s, w. A A, Plumptres, Hts & Hoare: M dines; adv. Chandler: meet C Moore.
280. 9 April . . . Carlisle, Montagu, Fenwick & M call. Ana. Review & Huron. J G breakfasts.
281. 10 April . . . Hornsey, w. Chandler: mrs Christie n & Ht n call: Chandler & Fenwick dine; adv. M.
282. 17 April . . . Call on Wordsworth: Tuthil dines; adv. Ht & Fenwick.
283. 19 April . . . Call on Fenwick & Curry: M dines: sup at J Hollis’s, w. Anthony.
284. 20 April . . . Dine at Lister’s (New Inn), w. Hammond, Jos. Wilkinson, Lawson, M, Jo G & another: call on Fenwick.
285. 11 May . . . Call on Grattan n: Shakespear Gallery, w. Chandler ; dine: Chandler & Philips sup: Fenwick calls.
286. 12 May . . . Arnot & Fenwick call: theatre, 1/5 Stranger & the Citizen.
287. 1 June . . . Fenwick calls: call on E F: M, Dyson & Arnot dine: adv. Fell: meet K Courtenay.
288. 2 June . . . Taylor North n calls, talk of self & atheism ; adv. Combe: M & Arnot dine; adv. Fenwick & Chandler: tea C Smith’s. Fell sups.
289. 4 June . . . Call on Lawrence n, Carlisle n & Fell: meet Parr: Arnot dines; adv. Fenwick,Dyson, Montagu & M: Nicholsons n, Carlisle & Sloper call.
290. 11 June . . . Wedgwood calls: call, w. him, on Leslie: Fenwicks & Arnot dine.
291. 21 June . . . Dyson tout le jour: theatre, Spanish Barber: call on mrs Fenwick,w. Dyson ; adv. Hays: call on F Ht.
292. 22 June . . . Brogden, O’Brien, Mackintosh, Perry, Gordon, Banks, & Dangerfield: call on Chandler & E Fenwick: Carlisle n, Fenwick & mrs Christie call: meet E Jennings.
293. 25 June . . . call on Northcote: Combe, Davy & Fenwick call: M dines: H G sups: meet Este.
294. 30 June . . . Call on Fenwick. Hume on Natural Religion, p. 32. Postscript.
295. 5 July . . . Call on Lees & Fenwicks: meet Combe.
296. 26 July . . . Fordyce calls: meet Underwood & Baker: call on Fenwick. Oliver Bond respited.
297. 2 August . . . Pinkerton calls: Fenwicks dine.
298. 3 August . . Fenwick, pp. 124. Ht calls: theatre, Ways & Means; adv. R. Adair, Melbournes & Batty.
299. August . . . Sup at Fenwick’s. Derry, pp. 57.
300. 9 August . . . Call on Wolcot n: M dines; adv. Fenwicks: sup at Nicholson’s, talk of population.
301. 13 August . . . Fell & Fenwicks at tea.
302. 23 August . . . Call on Ht, Carlisle, Shield & Nicholson: tea Fenwick’s, w. E Saunders: meet C Kemble: Ht’s, w. E F [Eliza Fenwick] & Shield.
303. 9 September . . . Fenwick calls: dine at Ht’s, w. Fenwick & A Harwood; adv. Nicholsons: Fenwick, H G & M sup.
304. 11 September . . . Harwood, Fenwick & Hutton call: call on Ht.
305. 21 September . . . theatre, w. L & M J ; Cure for the Heart Ache, & Miser; adv. Fenwick & Bonney.
306. 24 September . . . Fenwicks, M J & Fawcet call: dine at Edgware, w. Fawcet ; sleep at Hedge Grove.
307. 16 October . . . Dine at Reveley’s, w. Fenwick: call, w. him, on mrs Fenwick: theatre, 1/5 Hamlet, & Outlaws; adv. Lister
308. 24 October . . . Call on Ht ; adv. Fenwick’s: M dines; adv. Dyson ; talk of Beloe: theatre, Spoiled Child; adv. G. III.
309. 25 October . . . Fenwick & major White call.
310. 1 November . . . Carlisle & E Fenwick call: Montagu dines: theatre, w. Fanny & L J ; Children in the Wood: mrs Pearce sleeps.
311. 3 November . . .Tobin calls: Fenwicks & M dine.
312. 6 November . . . M dines: meet Fenwicks: theatre, Gamester; adv. Este.
313. 9 November . . . Major White calls: call on Nicholson: theatre, 3/10 Lovers Vows & Intriguing Chambermaid: Fk [Fenwick] sups.
314. 13 November . . . Ht. calls: dine at Reveley’s, w. Fenwicks: theatre, 1/2 Merchant of Venice. meet miss Smith: m White calls n.
315. 28 November . . . Fenwick calls: call on E F [Eliza Fenwick].
316. 5 December . . . M & Fenwick call: dine at C Smith’s: theatre, Word for Nature; adv. C S, Cha. Marsh & J Taylor.
317. 13 December . . . M J & M dine: Fenwick calls. M R calls. Rome recovered.
318. 14 December . . . Fenwick calls: sup at Opie’s ; adv. Plumptres. L Jones for Bath.
319. 24 December . . . Brantome. Ja s Wt dines; adv. Fell & Fenwick: tea C Smith’s ; adv. miss Barker. read. Merry dies: his aunt, Feb. 18, eight weeks after.
320. 25 December . . . Fenwick sups.
321. 26 December . . . Dine at O Fancourt’s, w. Chandler & C Bence: Fenwick calls.
322. 29 December . . . M dines: Fenwick calls: theatre, Aule Aurelio & Miranda; adv. Fell.
323. 31 December . . . Carlisle n, Ht, Chandler, C Smith n, // Dr Moore ( adv. Sharp ) & Northcote: meet Rt Knight: M, Ja Wt & Fenwick dine.
324. 2 January . . . Dine at Fell’s, w. M & Fenwicks.
325. 9 January . . . Ht calls: M dines; adv. Fenwick. read.
326. 12 January . . . M dines: Fenwick calls: theatre, Votary of Wealth; adv. Fell, M, Lees & Inchbald.
327. 4 February . . . Ja Wt & M dine: Fenwick calls: theatre, Guardian & Magic Oak; adv. Geo. III.
328. 23 February . . . Matthews, C Marsh, C M, Carlisle, Batty, Stoddart, Burrel & Fell: call on E Fn [Eliza Fenwick], Carlisle n & Ht.
329. 27 January . . . Fell & Jno G call: M & J G dine: call on E Fn [Eliza Fenwick] & C S n. meet Tookes.
330. 5 March . . . Fawcet calls: Mrs Fuseli, mrs Newnum & Mackintosh call n: dine at Reveley’s: call on E F [Eliza Fenwick], & Hts: sup at Opie’s.
331. 11 March . . . M dines: theatre, 2/5 Laugh When You Can: E F [Eliza Fenwick] calls.
332. 21 March . . . Read Antonio. M dines: call on Ht ( Beaumont Street ) & E Fenwick.
333. 24 March . . . M Moore & + + call: M, H G & L J call: E F [Eliza Fenwick], dine; adv. E F, Dibbin & Dyson.
334. 9 April . . . M dines; adv. Fawcets: call on E F [Eliza Fenwick]; adv. E Braddock.
335. 22 April . . . Call on Ritson: meet Parry & Fenwick.
336. 23 April . . . Fenwick calls: theatre, Castle of Montval.
337. 19 May . . . Ritson calls: H G & L J dine; adv. Hts, Fenwicks, Jones’s & E Braddock.
338. 23 May . . . Mrs Clutterbuck calls: Fenwicks & M dine: theatre; 1/3 Birth Day & ma[ r ?] Parker.
339. 3 June . . . Call on Sheridan n: meet Tierney: Milton Gallery; adv. Fenwick’s & E B: theatre, Pizarro, w. Elwes: sup.
340. 28 June . . . Tobin calls: call on S Elwes n, S Cuxson n & Fenwick: sup at Nicholson’s ; adv. E. Stanhope: meet S Day.
341. 7 July . . . Jno G calls: dine at H G’s, w. Fenwicks, Dyson, E Braddock & L J ; adv. Dibbin: Dyson sups.
342. 8 July . . . Call on Fenwick,& E F [Eliza Fenwick] at Reveley’s: M dines: meet Foot.
343. 10 July . . . Meet Aickin & Fuseli: call on M Reveley & Fenwick: tea Cuxson’s: M sups.
344. 12 July . . . Call on Fenwicks, w. Fell: sup at Fell’s. Prorogation.
345. 14 July . . . Skeys’s call: meet H Richter: call on Fenwicks; adv. Cristal: M Cotton, H G & L J dine; adv. R J, Fell, Dyson & Geo. . ..
346. 16 July . . . Meet M R & S Elwes: call on Fenwicks; sup, w. them, at Fell’s.
347. 17 July . . . Call on Consit n, dr Moore n, Perry na, Ritson n, S Elwes & Fenwicks: sup at Opie’s, w. Fuseli ; adv. Boddington. Write to M R.
348. 19 July . . . Call on Fenwicks, twice: sup at Fell’s, w. M: meet Tyler’s beau.
349. 22 July . . . Call on M R: meet H Barry: C Smith, Caldwel, Skeys’s & Fenwicks dine.
350. 25 July . . . Write to M R. J G breakfasts: Hazlit calls: call on Sheridan na, Fenwicks, Tiffin w. M, & M Bailey: sup at H G’s, w. M: Richter calls n (talk of population & the association of ideas.) me. . .
351. 31 July . . . Orleans, Strand ; adv. Opie, Barry & Hoare: M dines: tea Opie’s, w. M Hays, H Robinson & Fenwicks.
352. 7 August . . . W. St Leon, p. 101. Thuanus, Lib. IX, cap. 1, 2, 3, 4. Call on Fenwicks, & S Elwes n: M dines: meet Gale Jones.
353. 13 August . . . Fenwick calls: M dines: Martin’s Exhibition, w. Nicholsons.
354. 22 August . . . Fenwick calls: call on S Elwes: sup at Cuxson’s: meet Geddes.
355. 24 August . . . Call on Fenwicks: Consit calls: M dines: walk w. S Elwes.
356. 25 August . . . Meet Fenwicks, Twentyman (& Hanger ): H G dines: call on Noble n: Hazlit calls: M sups.
357. 31 August . . . Call on Fenwicks: theatre, 2/5 Red Cross Knights, 1/2 Poor Soldier.
358. 12 September . . . Call on Ritson, E Fenwick & Bosville n: Coleman & Keir at tea.
359. 30 September . . . M dines: Fenwick calls: sup at Fell’s, w. M.
360. 1 October . . . Miss Nicholsons call: Fenwicks dine; adv. H G, Ht G & W G.
361. 3 October . . . Call on Curran, w. Fenwicks; adv. O’Brien, Weld & (q) Hoare Row: Fenwick & M dine: theatre, 1/2 Revenge, & Embarkation; adv. Lawrence & Fell.
362. 7 October . . . Call on Fenwick,talk of Curran: theatre, 1/5 Romeo, & Naval Pillar; adv. Perry ( Alkmaar ).
363. 8 October . . . Fenwick & Goldsmith na call: call on Ritson: sup at Nicholson’s, w. Davis & miss Scott.
364. 9 October . . . M dines: tea Fell’s, w. Fenwicks, M, H G & miss Potts.
365. 10 October . . . J G dines: tea Curran’s, w. Fenwicks; adv. Heard, Ponsonby & Taggart. Meditate an Essay on Shakespeare.
366. 12 October . . . Dine at Curran’s, w. Fenwick & Calton ; adv. M c kitty, ami de Cloncurry, Ponsonby & Taggart. Parliament adj. . .
367. 23 October . . . S Cuxson calls: Curran, Wolcot, Northcote, Kemble, Carlisle, Fenwicks & M dine; adv. Fell.
368. 26 October . . . S Cuxson, Fawcet, S Lister & Lee, Som t call: dine at K’s, w. Rogers, Fenwick & mr Pinkard ; adv. mrs Newnham, D Campbel, un François & Consit. Write to T W.
369. 31 October . . . Hardy n & Noble n: theatre, Management; adv. Fell, Kemble, Morris & Inchbald: meet Fenwick: Fell sups.
370. 2 November . . . Call on Cox & Greenwood, w. Fenwick: meet col. Barry.
371. 4 December . . . Call on Ritson n & Fell: Coleridge & Davy call: Fenwick calls.
372. 8 December . . . Call on Kemble na: meet Combe: dine at Fell’s, w. Fenwicks, H G, L J & M.
373. 14 December . . . S Elwes calls: call on Fenwicks & C Smith. Major White calls n: meet Tierney.
374. 15 December . . . Capt. Arnot, Noble & Jo G call: call on Hanway & Fenwick ( adv. M R ). Washington dies.
375. 22 December . . . Call on Dr Moore n, Capt. Arnot n & Fenwicks; adv. M R ; meet M Moore & major White: sup at Fenwick’s, w. Braddocks: Tobin n & Jo G call. call on Reynolds n.
376. 5 January . . . Eliza Fenwick & F G call: dine at King’s, w. Derville, Rogers, Consit, ami de Pitt, & 4 Gardners ; adv. Granard, Tyson, Pinkard, 2 Davis’s. . .
377. 8 January . . . Dine at C Smith’s, w. Fenwicks.
378. 11 January . . . Ja s Wt dines: tea Coleridge’s, criticisms: meet Fenwick & Underwood.
379. 21 January . . . Meet Moore, Knight R t, Perry & Fenwick: call on Barry: dine at King’s, w. Granard, Boisgelin & St Hermine ; adv. Goire & Davis. Parliament meets.
380. 24 January . . . Meet Moore: theatre, Joanna, act 3; adv. Fenwick: call on Fell. Letters from Ht & Arnot: write to M Cotton.
381. 9 February. Fenwick, Fell, S Cuxson & H G call: dine at King’s, w. Danvers ; adv. Gardners, Tyson, Penny, c n Gardner, Pilkingtons, . . .
382. 12 February . . . call on Tobin Leslie ; adv. Leslie: tea C Smith’s, w. Coleridge & miss Barker: Fenwick calls.
383. 18 February . . . Call on E Fenwicks; adv. M Hays: meet Hoare & Reynolds: Fell at tea: sup at F’s.
384. 4 March . . . Write to Ht. Convent of St Michael. S Elwes calls: tea C Smith’s, w. Coleridge, Northcote, Fenwicks & Duncans.
385. 5 March . . . W. Call on M Robinson, w. Fenwicks: S Cuxson calls: M dines: tea Coleridge’s, w. Dyson, Tobin & Pinney. ( adv. Crespigny.)
386. 23 March . . . Call on Coleridge at Lamb’s, & Fenwicks: sup at M Robinson’s, w. Cuppage.
387. 6 April . . . call on S Cuxson ; adv. mrs Boydel: H G, M & Dewar dine: sup at Fenwick’s, w. B. Plumptre.
388. 20 April . . . Jo G & M Robinson call: sup at M Robinson’s, with Martins, Fenwicks & miss Saunders.
389. 25 April . . . M Robinson, Northcote, Carlisle & Fenwicks dine: invité Kemble. Cowper dies.
390. 1 May . . . Call on Opie, & Boadenn: M dines: theatre, w. Ml & F[enwick?] & Cha W; adv. Reynold’s. . .
391. 9 May . . . call on S Elwes; adv. mrs Holcombe: sup at M Robinson’s, w. Northcote, Carlisle, Fenwicks & E Braddock.
392. 27 May . . . call onFoulkesn & Fenwk n: meet Malthus.
393. 1 June . . . Fenwick calls: M dines: sup at mrs Robinson’s (Allingham’s ), w. Fenwick.
394. 2 June . . . M Robinson’s ( Allingham ); adv. Macmahon: call on Northcote ( adv. père ), & Fenwick, w. M R na: S Kg calls n.
395. 4 June . . . W. Fairy Queen, Canto IV. Write to Bage & Burdet. A Walker calls: M Robinson at tea, w. M: call on Fenwick: sup at M Robinson’s, w. M.
396. 6 June. Write to Ht. Call on Lawrencena: Putney, & Packhorse Turnham Green, w. M Robinson, M E R & F [Fenwick]; meet H tooke & Burdet.
397. 11 June . . . Meet Reynolds & Lewis: call on mrs Tylern & Opie: tea M Robinson’s, w. Wolcot, Northcote, 4 Porters, 2 Fks, Denham, Lettsom jr, Heslop & Calvt: Fell, S Elwes & talbot call n.
398. 14 June . . . M dines; adv. M Robinson: call on Ritson: Sadler’s Wells, w. M, M R, M E R, F [Fenwick?] & Cha. Willis. Tobin & S Cuxson n call.
399. 15 June . . . Hazlit & S Cuxson call: M R don: John Lawrence: tea Fell’s, w. F [Fenwick?] & M: Fell sups: call on Lambn.
400. 24 June . . . S E breakfasts: S Cuxson & Ja s Moore call: sup at M Robinson’s, w. Fenwicks.
401. 23 August . . . S Cuxson calls & Fenwick: T W dines: sup at S E’s.
402. 24 August . . . Lambs dine; adv. M: invités: Fenws.
403. 26 August . . . Write to Ht. Northcote dines; adv. M & Fenwicks: invité T W.
404. 2 September . . . Breakfast at Hampton Court. Curran dines; read Antonio; H G & Fenwicks to supper: Curran sleeps.
405. 10 September . . . A Walker & Jo G call: call on Fenwick n.
406. 12 September . . . on Robinson n ( adv. Heath ) & Ritson: meet Mc quin: theatre, Wags of Windsor. F Queen, B. III, C. I. Fenwick calls.
407. 15 September . . . Call on Kemble, D L T, (adv. J Bannister) & Northcote: Astley’s, w. M & F [Fenwick] . . .
408. 19 September . . . Tea Fenwick’s, w. F & M.
409. 24 September . . . Reynolds & Noble call: sup at Fenwick’s. Castle of Lioni.
410. 2 October . . . Call on Curran & Fenwick: meet Jno. Jennings & Burne. Samson, act 5.
411. 4 October . . . Curran dines; adv. S E: sup at Fenwick’s, w. Curran & S E.
412. 6 October . . . adv. Curran, Tegart & E Fenwick.
413. 12 October . . . Carlisles call; adv. E Fenwick: Fenwicks dine: call on S E ; adv. Hawkes.
414. 13 October . . . E Fenwick dines; adv. Jas Barry.
415. 15 October . . . Read to Fenwick’s: dine at Carlisle’s, w. them & Batty ; adv. Nicholson. Tobin calls.
416. 21 October . . . M dines: call on Fenwicks.
417. 28 October . . . Northmore & Welby call: A Walker dines: call on Fenwickn.
418. 2 November . . . Caldwel, Lambs, Fenwicks & M dine.
419. 12 November . . . W. Antonio, 1 page. Wife for a Month, acts 3/4, 4. Call on Fenwick: dine at S Elwes’s, w. M.
420. 13 November . . . Jas Wt breakfasts: call on Fenwick & Johnson: theatre, 2/5 Shylock, & Love à la Mode; adv. Este. Escapes.
421. 15 November . . . Call on Fenwick & Kemble: M, S E & Jno Toke dine ; M & Stoddart sup.
422. 16 November . . . Su. Breakfast at Tobin’s: Tobins (read), Stoddart & Ballantyne junr call: M dines: sup at Lamb’s, w. Stoddart, Fenwicks & Gulch: meet majr White.
423. 17 November . . . Wt breakfast: call on Foulkes n, Ritson, Northcote n & E F [Eliza Fenwick]: Tobin calls: theatre, 3/10 Richard; adv. Fenwick & Dogherty {.} Write to Curran.
424. 20 November . . . Call on Fenwick.
425. 6 December . . . Call Call on Reynolds & Wedgwood; adv. Carlisle; Tobinn & Ritson: S E at tea: theatre, w. M & F [Fenwick], Paul & Virginia.
426. 14 December . . . Lamb, & Reynolds, & Maclean call: call on Tobin: Fenwick & A Walker dine: sup at Fell’s.
427. 15 December . . . M. Antonio, revise. Call on Robinson & R Taylor: Maclean & Fenwick dine: sup at Lamb’s.
428. 21 January . . . Liberate Walker; adv. M, Terry, Smart, Price, mrs Walker, &c; meet Fenwks.
429. 23 January . . . M & Fenwicks sup.
430. 29 January . . . M dines: meet E Fenwick: sup at Carlisle’s.
431. 15 February . . .. Call on Lamb: sup at Fenwick’s.
432. 7 March . . . Call on Fenwick n & Lamb: Fenwick calls, talk of Philips: sup at Fell’s.
433. 8 March . . . J J G, J Hollis and A Walker call: call on Fenwicks; adv. H G, L J & Dibbin: M dines; adv. Bayles.
434. 12 March . . . Meet E Fenwick, Leslie, Tobin & Armety: call on Northcote, R Taylor & C Smith: sup at Lamb’s, w. Rickman.
435. 31 March . . . Call on Ritson, Longman na & Rees (w. M ), Robinson & E Fenwick: Fenwick calls: sup at Carlisle’s, w. B Plumptre & Bloxam.
436. 1 April . . . Call on Fell ( 92, Chancery Lane ), M Lamb, Macdougal & Hunter, & Joice ; adv. Dyer: Fenwick dines (from Philips.)
437. 3 April . . . Philips calls ; adv. M, mrs P., &c: call on E Fenwicks; adv. Younger & W Ross.
438. 12 April . . . A W calls, remonstrate{:} dine at Fenwick’s, w. Lambs & Barry.
439. 16 April . . . Fells call: S E dines: sup at Lamb’s, w. Fell, Fenwicks, Rickman & Beaumont.
440. 25 April . . . Hollis & mrs Taylor call: theatre, Julian & Agnes; adv. D Jones & Fenwick: M sups.
441. 26 April . . . Dine at Fell’s, w. Lambs, Fenwicks, Jo. Fell & M: L J, Tuthil n & J G n call.
442. 1 May . . . Wolcot calls: dine at Fenwick’s, w. Wolcot, M, Lambs & Fells.
443. 5 June . . . Call on Taylor & J Robinson: tea Fell’s, w. F [Fenwick] & M: call at Fenwick’s.
444. 6 June . . . M dines: call at Fenwick’s.
445. 20 June . . . Call on Fenwick: tea Clairmont’s.
446. 4 July . . . Write to Ht. Religieuse de Nismes, pp. 79. Call on Fenwick: sup at Clairmont’s.
447. 19 July . . . J J G & Wood (talk of Home & Lumsden) call: meet H Richter jaune: call on Fk n [Fenwick]: sup at Reynolds’s; adv. Morton
448. 23 July . . . Jo G calls: sup atReynolds’s. call on Fk n [Fenwick].
449. 2 September . . . Stow & Maitland, çala. Tea Fenwick’s, w. F [Fenwick] & M, & miss Youngers: R Jones sups.
450. 9 September . . . Lamb at tea: sup chez lui, w. Fenwicks, Burnet & Jefferies; adv. Mr Christie.
451. 2 October . . . Philips’s call: theatre, w. Ct, Suspicious Husband; adv. Fenwick: Joice’s call.
452. 5 October . . . Barnes, çala. Fenwick & engraver call: call on Philips n & Carlisle n.
453. 21 October . . . Jas Smith breakfasts: call on Philips St Paul’s & H G n. Fenwicks & H G dine; adv. Tuthil: Tuthil, Wood & Jas Smith sup.
454. 31 October . . . D Stuart’s, w. Jefferies, Morthland, Mann, Sheath Am n, Peltier, Mc Kinley {,} Fenwick & Sheet. Write to Douce.
455. 12 November . . . Jas Wt & M dine: tea, w. them, at Cts: Ct & Lamb sup: call on Fenwick.
456. 19 November . . . Call on mrs Fenwick: theatre D L, Duenna; adv. Fillingham & Este. H & J Moore & S Fell call.
457. 21 November . . . C Mountcashel, H, J, & miss Wilmot, Fenwicks n & Tuthil n call: Jas Wt dines; adv. Clairmonts.
458. 27 November . . . Call on mrs Lester: meet Fenwick: sleep at St Agnes.
459. 6 December . . . Call on Reynolds n: Wood calls: sup at Fenwick’s.
460. 9 December . . . Theatre, Chains of the Heart; adv. O’Brien, Perry, Fillingham, Fenwick, Reynolds’s, Cha. Moore, mrs Inchbald . . .
461. 14 December . . . H G & 4 Fenwicks [John, Eliza, Eliza Jr., and Orlando] dine.
462. 19 December . . . Fell dines calls: Ct dines: meet, at Fenwicks, Kingden, &c, £.75: sleep at St Agnes.
463. 20 December . . . Write to David Webster. Tobin & Fenwick call: M & Cts dine: call on Philips; (adv. Surrs) & Fenwick.
464. 26 December . . . Write to A G. Call on C Smith (adv. miss Barker ), Jo G n (adv. Tho. West ) & Fenwick n.
465. 27 December . . . Call on Wood, Ritson & Fenwick call: dine at King’s, w. Danvers’s, Plowdens, Barnards & St George ; adv. La. Price & Davis.
466. 28 December . . . Call on Wills proctor, Philips, Hunter & mrs Fenwick: theatre, sans vue. J J G calls.
467. 29 December . . . Call on Philips ; adv. Busby: Fenwick calls: Phantasmagoria, w. Ct.
468. 31 December . . . Fenwicks call: theatre, Henry V.
469. 2 January . . . M dines: Ht G calls: call on Fenwicks, w. Ct.
470. 4 January . . . Call on Fuseli, C Smith ( adv. C & Ht ), Coleridge n, & Fenwicks (adv. Younger): Fenwicks at tea.
471. 7 January . . . Jervis calls: call on Philips (adv. Lindsay) & Fenwick n: theatre, 1/4 Artaxerxes, & Petruchio; adv. J Taylor.
472. 8 January . . . Call on Fenwick: write to Philips. Curran, Fuseli, Perry, Carlisle, T Moore, Fell & H G dine: invités Sheridan, H Tooke, Coleridge, Wolcot, Reynolds, Nicholson. . . .
473. 9 January . . . Call, w. Curran, on Wolcot, Fenwick,& mrs Billington na: meet Hussey & Tierney: L Wycombe at Curran’s: dine at T Moore’s, w. Curran, Woolriche & Carpenter.
474. 12 January . . . Wood, çala. Call on Wolcot n & S Elwes: E Fenwick calls: theatre, w. C ts, L, F & M, Folly as It Flies, & Harlequin’s Almanack.
475. 14 January . . . Write to Philips. Fenwick calls: tea Fenwick’s, w. Barthelemis, Plumptres, Fells & Ct.
476. 17 January . . . Fell calls: call on Fenwick,w. C t: dine at King’s, w. Danvers’s, Plowdens, Prices, St Georges & Derville.
477. 20 January . . . Call on Wycombe n: mrs Perry & Hoare call n: theatre, w Ct, H G, miss Forsyth & Fenwicks: Fenwicks sup; Chains of the Heart.
478. 29 January . . . Call on Fenwick n.
479. 1 February . . . Masters calls: call on Philips; &, w. M J, on Fell & Fenwick n.
480. 17 February . . . Call on Fenwick. Noble Gentleman, act 1.
481. 18 February . . . Call on Northcote ; &, w. M J, on Fenwicks: Fawcet calls n.
482. 20 February . . . Jas Wt dines; adv. Fenwicks.
483. 5 March . . . Perrys, Fenwicks & miss Lunan at tea: invités Reynolds’s & Nicholsons.
484. 6 March . . . Wood calls: call on Philips: E Fenwick calls: Jas Wt at tea: Lamb sups.
485. 12 March . . . Tobin calls: call, w. M J, on Fenwicks.
486. 17 March . . . Smith & Malthus call: M dines: Fenwicks sup.
487. 20 March . . . Call on Cosway, &, w. M J, on Fenwicks; adv. Lambs.
488. 27 March . . . Carlisle calls: Lambs & Fenwicks at tea. Peace of Amiens.
489. 2 April . . . Call, w. Fenwick,at Burder’s, Brook Street.
490. 9 April . . . Chaucer, 2 pages. Crescimbeni, çala. Call on Fell n & Fenwicks; adv. Lambs.
491. 18 April . . . Fenwick & Wood call: call, // w. M J, on Hoare n, Perrys n & mrs Plowden: Anderson at tea. meet B Montague Darwin dies.
492. 7 May . . . G M Cooper calls: Fiévées, Theodore, Lambs, Fells & Fenwicks at tea; Marg. Jones dines.
493. 8 May . . . Call, w. J M J, on Duncan (adv. Carlisle) & Ritson: sup at Fell’s, w. Lambs, Fenwicks & M. Casualty chez Fell.
494. 18 May . . . Hazlit calls ( reads ): M dines: call, w. M J, on Fell n & Fenwicks.
495. 27 May . . . Meet Fell, Hatton Garden: E Fenwick calls: E Reynolds at tea. Send to Carlisle.
496. 30 May . . . Fenwicks sup; adv. M.
497. 6 June . . . H G, Marg. Jones & E Fenwick call.
498. 12 June . . . Call on Philips: meet Lanesborough, S M, E B D, & W Tooke: Nicholsons call: E & E [Eliza and Eliza, Jr.] Fenwicks at tea.
499. 25 June . . . Carlisles call: tea Geo. Dyer’s, w. Shepherd & Cristal: sup at Lamb’s, w. Fenwicks, Fells & White. Write to A Harwood
500. 26 June . . . Westminster Abbey, &c, w. M J. ( meet Burdet.): E Fenwick calls, ppc.
501. 4 July . . . Charpentier & Braham of Boston call: Lambs & Fenwick at tea; adv. M.
502. 7 July . . . W. Chaucer, revise. Fenwick calls: call on Philips; adv. Davison.
503. 11 July . . . Fenwick & Ritson call: Smarth, Smith & M dine.
504. 18 July . . . Fenwick & J G call: Smith sups.
505. 20 July . . . Smith, son, & Fenwick dine.
506. 15 August . . . Leslie, Smart & Fenwick call: sup at Fillingham, w. Hill & Dubois.
507. 30 August . . . Chaucer, revise. Call on Davison n: Jo G calls: Fenwick dines; adv. H G, miss Forsyth, J Beccaria & Smith.
508. 1 September . . . Strutt, çalà. Call on Davison & Fenwicks; adv. Fell: Keir calls n.
509. 2 September . . . Call on J Beccaria & Reynolds n: Keir, Clarke & Fenwick call: call, w. M J & Fk [Fenwick], at Fell’s ; adv. Kennedy.
510. 12 September . . . Leland, çala. Smart calls: Lambs at tea; adv. Fenwick.
511. 2 November . . . Carlisle calls, Combe & Fenwick: theatre, 3/10 Merry Wives; adv. Morton & Reynolds.
512. 12 December . . . Ht, Smart, Blanford, Smith & Fenwick call; dine at Stoddarts; adv. Tobin: meet M J & M at Ht’s.
513. 9 May . . . Exhibition, w. M J; adv. Batty: call on Lamb, do; adv. Fenwick: meet Carlisles: M & Cooper at tea.
514. 30 October . . . Smith calls: Philips’s, Wolcot, R & P Taylor, M & G M C dine; adv. Smith: mrs & E Fenwick [Eliza and Eliza, Jr.] call.
515. 6 November . . . Mrs & O [Eliza and Orlando] Fenwick,G M C, H G & Forsyth dine; adv. Fenwick & Smith: Arnot calls.
516. 17 November . . . Call on Northcote: theatre, Venice Preserved; adv. Fk [Fenwick] (& Mcintosh)
517. 29 November . . . Call, w. M J, on Lamb n & J G: sup, w. d o, at Fenwick’s: Lamb calls n.
518. 5 December . . . Meet miss Decamp: write to H Tooke: E F, G M C & P G dine; theatre, w. M J & E F [Eliza Fenwick], 3/10 Shore & Caravan; adv. Morton & Fk [Fenwick].
519. 7 December. . . eat Johnson’s, w. Fuseli, Bonnycastle, Dowding, Dilly, capt. Hunter & Boswell: M & E F jr [Eliza Fenwick, Jr.] dine n.
520. 13 December . . . Call, w. M J, on Fks [Fenwicks]: M & Lamb at tea: Westminster Play, w. Lamb, Eunuchus.
521. 15 December . . . Miss Mellor & M, Shylock, & Caravan; adv. J Taylor: E F [Eliza Fenwick] calls: M dines.
522. 25 December . . . Nicholson calls: Arnot, 3 Fenwicks [possibly John, Eliza, and either Eliza, Jr., or Orlando; or Eliza with the two children] & G M C dine; adv. Ht; invités Fells.
523. 3 January . . . Call on Philips; adv. R Twiss & C Wilson: meet Lamb: call on E F [Eliza Fenwick], for M J: theatre, Cinderella, w. M; adv. col. Porter.
524. 4 January . . . Dine at Ht’s, w. Davy, Buchan, Harwood, Foulkes & Tobin’s White: call on E F [Eliza Fenwick], for M J.
525. 6 January . . . Meet Philipses & Surrs: M, L Knapp, O Fenwick [Orland0 Fenwick] & K Keir dine.
526. 12 January . . . Call on Fuseli, & (w. M J) on Fk [Fenwick] n: sup at Lamb’s, w. M J.
527. 21 January . . . E & E [Eliza and Eliza, Jr.] Fenwick dine; adv. M.
528. 1 February . . . Westminster Hall, w. Warner; adv. Morris & Agar: read to Coleridge: dine at Ht’s, w. M J & Smith: call on Fk [Fenwick]n & Lamb (adv. Fells), w. do. (meet Fox.)
529. 2 February . . . Lamb & Wilcocke call: call on L Knapp & Johnson: dine at Lamb’s, w. Coleridge; adv. M J, Fks [Fenwicks] & Duckworths. Write to Perry.
530. 4 February . . . Call on Coleridge; adv. Ridout: dine at H Rowan’s, w. O Byrne, Castle Brown, &Evans & Mrs Beresford: Fks [Fenwicks] & Duckworths dine; adv. M.
531. 6 February . . . Call on Fenwicks (adv. Duckworths) Lambs for M J (adv. mrs Reynolds), & Johnson: theatres. Priestley dies.
532. 9 February . . . Write to M Mag. Call, w. M J, on Fkn [Fenwick] & Htn: tea (do) at Lofft’s: Fell calls: G M C dines.
533. 14 February . . . Call on Philips; tea, do: call on Fks [Fenwicks] n & S Lofft, for M J.
537. 11 April . . . Call on E Fenwick: dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli, Bonnycastle, Mullet & capt. Hunter: sup at Napier’s, w. M J: meet Perry. Arnot calls n.
538. 13 April . . . S Fells calls: call on Lamb, Fell at Laver’s; Tebbut, & Cooper; adv. Hill & M: meet Buchan: dine at Fk’s, w. M J.
539. 2o April . . . Arnot calls n: sup at Lamb’s, w. Fks [Fenwicks], E Braddock & M J. . . .
540. 30 April . . . Exhibition, w. M J; adv. Opie, Shee, Heath, Dawe, E Smith, Boaden, Batty, Fillingham, Kennan & Fk [Fenwick] . . .
541. 2 June . . . Sup at Fenwick’s; adv. M J & E Braddock: call at Lamb’s.
542. 4 June . . . M, Fk [John Fenwick], E F [Eliza Fenwick], O F [Orlando Fenwick] & E Braddock; adv. G M C. Fells call.
543. 22 June . . . Call, w. M J, on Dulau, C Mercier & Fk [Fenwick] n.
544. 9 July . . . Call on J G, Fenwick, & (w. M J ) mrs Silver.
545. 20 July . . . Call on G Robinson, Fk [John Fenwick] & Jo G: . . . adv. Flaxman & E. Fks [Eliza Fenwick, Sr., and Jr.] . . .
546. 1 August . . . Call on H G: dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli, Bonnycastle, Bailey, (Turk) & Henry: call at Fk’s [Fenwick’s], for M J: Wakes call n.
547. 8 August . . . Walk w. M: call on Fk [Fenwick], w. M J, & on Ht.
548. 12 August . . . M calls: call on Arnot: sup at Fk’s [Fenwick’s], w. Lambs, M J & C: Mercier at tea: meet Burroughs.
549. 23 August . . . Call on Fk [John Fenwick], & Everina, at Snaggs’s; adv. Eliz. Wt: meet L K & M A M.
550. 20 September . . . Call, w. Everina, on J J Luntleyn: call on Lambn: sup at Fks [Fenwicks].
551. 5 October . . . Call on Fk [Fenwick] & Davison: Jas Wt at tea. Spanish frigates taken off Cadiz.
552. 20 October . . . Curran calls n: meet Curran, Gawlers & Fk [Fenwick] . . . .
553. 22 October . . . Call on Lamb, Davison, R Taylor, Johnson & Jo Gn: letter from E Wt: Jas Wt dines: sup, w. M J, at H Rowan’s. meet Fks [Fenwicks], & Damiani.
554. 30 October . . . E Wt dines: sup at Fk’s [Fenwick’s], w. M J & Lambs.
555. 6 November . . . Call on Luntley, w. E Wt n: E Wt dines; adv. Fks [Fenwicks] & Rowans: sup. Simple Story, p. 320.
556. 10 November . . . Theatre, w. M J, Wells, & children; B B, & R & A: meet Fk [Fenwick]: sup at Lambs, w. M Thompson & capt. Burney..
557. 20 November . . . J J G calls: call on R Taylor: meet Fillingham: theatre, w. M J, Lover’s Vows, & Matrimony; adv Fk [Fenwick].
558. 6 December . . . Write to A G. E F [Eliza Fenwick] calls: dine at Rickman’s, w. Lambs & Dyer ; adv. Burney: sup at E Napier’s, w. M J. Pamela, p. 242.
559. 14 December . . . Tobin, Fk [John Fenwick], Spankie & friend, Hazlit, Battie & Lloyd clal: call, w. M J, on Wake & L Ht (adv. Volsey): sup, do at H Rowans.
560. 4 January . . . Lambs, Hazlit & Fk [Fenwick] at tea.
561. 12 January . . . Call on Luntley, Brookes & mrs Hill: [Fenwick] calls pour fils: theatre, 3/10 Ranger.
562. 17 January . . . Fk [Fenwick] calls: call on Nicholsonn.
563. 29 January . . . Call on Fire Office, Jo Gn, Alexander & Wroughton, &, w. M J, on Johnson, J J G, EM Lamb & Mrs Balam: meet J Robinson & Fk [Fenwick].
564. 11 February . . . Annis & Darnel call: sup at Fk’s [Fenwick’s]: Turner calls n.
565. February . . . sup, w. M J, at Fk’s [Fenwick’s].
566. 18 February . . . on C Moore, & Lamb; adv. Fks [Fenwicks] & E Reynolds: theatre, Epilogue.
567. 20 February . . . Call on R Taylor, Jo G & McCabe: Wolcot, Northcote, Jas Wt & E Fks [Eliza Fenwick, Sr., and Jr.] dine; Wolcot, Northcote, Jas Wt & E Fks dine [Eliza Fenwick, Sr., and Jr.]; adv. Turner, Hazlit: invités, Rickman, Carlisle, Fk [Fenwick] & Lambs. J J G calls n. . .
568. 16 March . . . Call on R Taylor & Philips; adv. Norgate: N G calls: theatre, 3/5 Hamlet; adv. Fk [Fenwick].
569. 19 March . . . Tobin calls: call on Jas Wt (44£ 12 mths) & mrs Rowan: Lambs, Hazlit, & Fk [Fenwick] sup. Wke calls n.
570. 15 April . . . P G & Yates dine; adv. Fk [Fenwick], Snagg & young Rowans.
571. 17 April . . . Lamb, Hazlit, Fk [Fenwick] & J G at tea.
572. 27 April . . . Call on Dawe, & Grattann: meet Reynolds: Fks [Fenwicks], Margt Jones & G M C dine; adv. Lamb, Hzlit, Turner & R Taylor.
573. 31 May . . . Fk [Fenwick] calls: call on Jacob, & mrs Grattan & Northcote: meet Webb.
574. 5 June . . . Meet Edgworth & Fk [Fenwick]: dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli & Bonnycastle; adv. Houghton.
575. 19 July . . . Fk [Fenwick] calls: walk w. Turner: call on Philips (for Fk [Fenwick]); adv. McMillan, Gillet & Surrs.
576. 22 July . . . Fk [Fenwick] dines (ppc): call on D. Stuartn: meet E E & O Fks [Eliza, Sr., Eliza, Jr., and Orlando Fenwick].
577. 23 July . . . Call on D Stuart na, & Johnson; adv. Belsham: meet Fks [Fenwicks]: Sadler’s Wells, w. miss Smith, Luzena, Hooley, M J & children, Talking Bird, & An Bratach. Meet C Moore & Lb.
578. 21 February . . . Call on Wordsworthn & Lambn; adv. Miss Stodart. meet Philips, Fks [Fenwicks], Este, Jennings & Harwood: theatre, 2/5 Much Ado. Parliament meets.
579. 13 April . . . Notes to Fenwick, 4 1/2 pages. . . . Flather calls: Dawe tea.
580. 6 December . . . Call on Macmillan & E Fenwick.
581. 18 December . . . Call on Rogers ( adv. W Spencer ), Dawe n & E Fenwick.
582. 30 April . . . P S to Johnson, Purser’s Cross. Theatre, 1/2 Mcbeth: Fenwick calls.
583. 9 May . . . S S w. M J ; adv. T T. Winter in London, p. 77. Fenwick calls n.
584. 24 June . . . Call on Johnson, &, w. M J, on M Lamb: call on Hazlit: sup at Lamb’s, w. 3 J Lambs, 4 Burneys, 3 Martins, 2 Fks [Fenwicks], Rickman, Philips, & mrs Reynolds.
585. 2 November . . . Walsh calls, & Fk [Fenwick]: call on Nicholson, & Whitworth, draper.
586. 8 November . . . Call on Mulready: Fk [Fenwick] & W C Brown; adv. E. F. [Eliza Fenwick], junr.
587. 22 February . . . M at tea: call on Fk [Fenwick], & Lamb; adv. Hazlit.
588. 7 April . . . Th. Circulars sent. Call on Fenwick: Dawe & Hazlit call. Duke of Grafton. Write to W Smith & Grattan.
589. 10 April . . . Fk [Fenwick] & Orlando [Fenwick] dine; adv. Plant.
590. 16 May . . . Deliquia. T T sups: M calls from Macmurdo. Write to Fenwick.
591. 14 October . . . T T & W Hopwood call. Write to Fk [Fenwick].
592. 10 November . . . theatre, w. M J & T T; adv. Dogherty: T T sups. Write to E Fenwick.
593. 6 September . . . T T calls: M, H, E, F [Fenwick] & P Hopwood dine; adv. W H: fair, Scowton, w. M, J, C & W.
594. 11 January . . . L Ht (accounts), Mills & O[rland0] Fenwick call: call on Miles.
595. 12 January . . . Write to Nicholson & Fenwick. Pilchers dine: call on Bensley: N G calls: T T sups.
596. 26 February . . . T T n, N G & Fenwick call.
597. 27 February . . . Fk [Fenwick], Newton & T T call: theatre, Hypocrite.
598. 29 May . . . Write to Hazlit. Mrs Fenwick & O F [Orland0 Fenwick] call, & Anderson na.
599. 30 May . . . Anderson & 2 Fks [Fenwicks] at tea; adv. T. T.
600. 4 June . . . White & E F [Eliza Fenwick] call: T T at tea: Exhibition, w. M J & H Boinville: H Boinville sups. Windham dies.
601. 12 July . . . Fk [Fenwick] calls & Gold: Smith at tea: T T sups; adv. Patrickson.
602. 31 July . . . Harris, Miles & Letterman: Curtis st[a?]t[ r ?]: S M at tea. Letter to S E. E F [Eliza Fenwick] calls.
603. 15 August . . . Call on mrs Montagu; adv. Mrs Speed: Macmillan & Smith, S R, call: Fks [Fenwicks] sup.
604. 27 August . . . Orme & Phipps call: meet Lamb: Tuthill calls: Flather, E F [Eliza Fenwick] & T T sup.
605. 1 September . . . Adams, (thrice) Carlisle, mrs Lloyd, E F [Eliza Fenwick] & T T call: T T dines: E F sleeps.
606. 2 September . . . Adams (twice) & Fks [Fenwicks] & H Boinville call: T T sups & sleeps.