14 February Tuesday: … I walked on with Sm: to Woolwich but turned back without going to Mrs Niven – Then I called at Mrs Browne’s – Mrs Hayes so unwell that I could not see her – At her age the account they give of her health is alarming – I concluded the day at Kay’s.  

23 March Friday:  A canto of Dante early – Then I finished letter – His letter about Mrs Hall received – not yet in correspondence together – The first letter I sent referd to as lost – My second letter and his to me referred to – Why I cannot set off immediately to America – too old to move rapidly – I may have 5 or 6 acquaintance but he my only friend – I know not the great men of America – Dr Channing characterized – his rhapsody not attractive to me – I am not envious of the growing prosperity and great population of America – These quals when English not admired by me – He must come and fetch me – I have kept myself disengaged expecting him – I might accompany him in the Autumn of 1833 – Want his account of himself – No other letter considered as anything – The history of Mr Mullett’s family – Message to Mrs Hall about the Evans and Tobins – to enquire about Mrs Fenwick Message to her about Miss Hays & Godwin – Remembrances to American acquaintance Goulds, Kirklands, Bird, Dorance, Mayer’s mention of Westfals death in Sicily – Italian politics all a mystery – The Perrier administration necessary to the peace – The American Charitable Socy for the University at Athens must be taken up by a great man – We are absorbed in our own sufferings – West Indies – Ireland.

7 April Saturday:  I read Dante early etc and was at home great part of the forenoon – I called on Jardine who disapproves of my giving Fox an article about Goethe – I made a second visit to the Wedds who were going away and lent Miss W: some Italian books – By the bye George Wedd came in – he looked much depressed – I met a few days since Mr Hays who informed me of his having again stopped payment.  I read at home till 5 and then I walked to Highbury –

11 April:  I read German early in the morning looking over the Conv: Lex: life of Goethe with a view to my article about Goethe – and then I went out for the day – Taking the Greenwich stage from London Bridge I drove down to G: and there on calling on Mrs Brown I found that my old friend Mrs Hays was in bed and too ill to see anyone. The account they gave me of her was such as to render it doubtful whether I shall ever see her again – They say her constitution is broken –

11 May Friday:  I read Italian early and before 12 I called on Paynter – Last night the Commons voted by a majority of 80 an address to the King in favour of the old ministers – but nothing in the Times suggested as to the course to be taken by the new ministers. I then walked to the City and took a Greenwich omnibus – I called on Miss Hayes – She is still very ill and tho’ glad to see me, dismissed me from weakness after a few minutes chat.  I then walked to Woolwich & reached Mrs Niven between 2 & 3 –

11 August Saturday:  I was unsettled the morning – I read a little in Gozzi life in the garden while the smith was putting on iron to strengthen my door – I made a call at the Mr. Halls – Seeking to get into the Jardines in vain I dined in Colman St and then I went eastward – I madea call on the Rutts – The unchangeableness of Mr. R: is quite marvelous – Chatting: with him is bringing back old times most curiously – The old books, tastes, and opinions unchanged – I went on reading Polonia – a futile work – unbusiness like men of excellent feelings – What can be done for Poland by monthly magazines and guinea subscriptions? At Sievekings no one at home – I left his books – Walked back by Clapton, making calls on my way – At Mr. Wedds who has taken the house Mr. Rutt did live in – Mr. W: seemed gratified by my call – there is a large and fine family – There is a support for them in Mr. Pattisson of Maldon but how many he has to support My old friend Miss Hays charitably remains with her unfortunate friends Mrs. Brown in their school –